[gopher] History and future of "the gopher project"

Bob Cunnings bob.cunnings at gmail.com
Sun Jan 11 18:49:09 UTC 2015

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 4:06 AM, Kim Holviala <kim at holviala.com> wrote:
> Yes, NNTP is a much better protocol… but getting a feed nowadays is pretty
> complicated unless you pay for some NNTP service. Pretty much all ISPs have
> stopped providing that, and free servers went away because of spamming.
> I might be mistaken, of course.

I still monitor c.i.gopher using this free and public NNTP server:


details here: http://aioe.org/

There's a posting limit of 25 per day, but otherwise it's fine. That said,
the mailing list works ok for me too, I've no strong preference.

Bob C.
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