[gopher] Motsognir gopher server v1.0.7

Mateusz Viste mateusz at viste.fr
Mon Jul 13 05:54:24 UTC 2015

On 12/07/2015 19:55, Kim Holviala wrote:
> Yep, I think that was it - the date matches my git commit:
> commit 6e9f108ac19d1791e4fa4a5e9f95bc4c730703b3
> Date:   Sun Jan 4 08:42:11 2015 +0200
>      Added ServerDefaultEncoding to automatic caps.txt

Nice. Yet I was one day faster with mine :)

"added the ServerDefaultCharset CAPS token"

But you were obviously faster to release the end product to masses -- so 
a day later I see that I adapted Motsognir to your grammar:

renamed the 'ServerDefaultCharset' CAPS token to 'ServerDefaultEncoding'

> I’m willing to change that if needed, but to be honest both of the above
> are just fine.

Let's just stay with the current thing, it sounds good enough. It's not 
something any user is supposed to see anyway, so it could just as well 
be called "xyz" (actually that one would be far more space efficient!)

> Mine’s better, though :D

I'd say that "Charset" is more explicit that "Encoding", since the 
latter can mean different things in different contexts, while a 
"charset" is a pretty obvious thing (think "codepage"). But anyway, the 
implementations are out there, let's not touch them anymore to avoid 
unnecessary confusion. :)


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