[gopher] Overbite in the Android Play Store?

Kevin Veroneau kevin at veroneau.net
Sat Apr 30 15:47:16 UTC 2016

Haha, only 239 days to go.

Night mode was something I also really wanted to. :). So that will be there as soon as I can.  I'll need to do research on character encoding in Android.  Most apps I have built thus far are all UTF-8 and English.

I'll be starting work shortly, as I just woke up and it's a nice Saturday morning here in Canada.

  Original Message  
From:mateusz at viste.fr
Sent:April 30, 2016 2:22 AM
To:gopher-project at lists.alioth.debian.org
Reply-to:gopher-project at lists.alioth.debian.org
Subject:Re: [gopher] Overbite in the Android Play Store?

On 30/04/2016 00:11, Walter Vermeir wrote:
> If you would work on the app I have a feature request; a bookmark function.

Wow, is it christmas already? :)

I'd like to add a pair of suggestions myself, then:
  - Night mode (grey text on black background)
  - Charset auto-detection (based on CAPS "ServerDefaultEncoding")

I totally agree with the need of a bookmarking system as well.

Also, I think that if you release your fork publicly, it might be good 
to change its name as well, to avoid unnecessary confusions (but still 
make it clear that it's a fork of the original Overbite).


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