[gopher] MinnPost | The rise and fall of the Gopher protocol

Ciprian Dorin Craciun ciprian.craciun at gmail.com
Sat Aug 13 12:49:01 UTC 2016

On Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 1:12 AM, Cameron Kaiser <spectre at floodgap.com> wrote:
> The comments are particularly interesting.
> https://www.minnpost.com/business/2016/08/rise-and-fall-gopher-protocol

Thanks for the article link!

I'm glad someone has remembered about Gopher and written a nice
article about it.

The latest article published (that I am aware of), was the one `The
Web may have won, but Gopher tunnels on` by ArsTechnica in 2009.  If
anyone knows other nice articles about Gopher, please share them, as
they make a good weekend read.

For those similarly interested I have gathered a small list of nice
"readings" about Gopher:



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