[gopher] seeking non-zombielicious gopher daemon

Cameron Kaiser spectre at floodgap.com
Wed Jun 22 13:33:54 UTC 2016

> Can someone recommend me a gopher daemon besides pygopherd?  It constantly 
> has at least two zombies going at all times.  I could have sworn I 
> reported this somewhere, but I see no traces of it.
> I guess I'll send in another report.

I assume by this you mean something that doesn't run from (x)inetd (if so,
I'd recommend Bucktooth, natch). If so, I second Kim's two recommendations.

------------------------------------ personal: http://www.cameronkaiser.com/ --
  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * www.floodgap.com * ckaiser at floodgap.com
-- I am the mother of all things, and all things must wear a sweater. ---------

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