[gopher] Announcement of the GOPHER LAWN

Christoph Lohmann 20h at r-36.net
Sun Jan 15 14:59:29 UTC 2017

Greetings comrades.

I  hereby  announce  the  GOPHER LAWN project[0][1]. It’s a bitreich.org
project to sort the gopherspace. Unlike veronica it should provide a  by
humans selected directory of interesting content of the gopherspace.

We plan to grow the categories over time. The main interest is in simple
software, due to the bitreich.org goals. All topics are welcome.

Since  the  gopherspace is a bit unsorted, I would like to integrate old
efforts to do the same. In the history of gopher I can’t  be  the  first
one to think of such a directory.

Tor tip: torify lynx gopher://hg6vgqziawt5s4dj.onion/1/lawn


Christoph Lohmann

[0] gopher://bitreich.org/1/lawn
[1] gopher://hg6vgqziawt5s4dj.onion/1/lawn

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