[gopher] Any one else getting spam/malware/phishing emails on their gopher-specific email address?

Mateusz Viste mateusz at nospam.viste.fr
Sat Jan 21 16:55:46 UTC 2017

On Sat, 21 Jan 2017 14:51:12 +0000, Peter Garner wrote:
> I have an email address advertised solely on my gopher-hole, and have
> been getting quite a few malicious emails lately. I don't know how many
> visitors I get, and from where (need to fix that), but it's ironic that
> a "specialist" Internet presence such as a gopher-hole is regularly
> targeted whereas my web site so far remains untouched. Anyone else had
> this?

I don't really think anyone would bother scanning the gopher world for 
email addresses. I'd rather assume this has been collected by nasty web 
spam bots through one of the www-gopher gateways that expose us via http.


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