[gopher] New list members not approved

Delfi Ramirez delfin at segonquart.net
Tue May 30 08:17:24 UTC 2017

Hi all: 

Just testing if I can post to the list, after reading your comments and
the issue on this thread. 

Quite bizarre issue, in fact. 

Forgt this email. Just a ping test. 



Delfi Ramirez -- At Work

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 delfin at segonquart.net [2] 

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On 2017-05-30 09:35, Matt Owen (Jaruzel) wrote:

> In article <201705291840.v4TIeLso4522144 at floodgap.com>, spectre-
> nb4sah8SP49Wk0Htik3J/w at public.gmane.org says... there  have  been complaints on #gopherproject on freenode IRC, that new
> members to the list are not approved. At least two people who would want
> to participate seem to have not received any confirmation to be accepted
> to the list.
> Can anyone look into this? 
> I think that's jgoerzen's department. Haven't seen him around much these
I'm also in a weird limbo situation, where I receive the list posts into
email inbox, but I can't post to the list from my email address.

So I read the list via my email, and post to the list via NNTP (using an

ancient copy of WinVN) - Rather annoying... :'(

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[5] http://delfiramirez.info
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