[gopher] Gophermap 2 Index PHP script

Ray Lopez rl at well.com
Tue May 23 20:28:03 UTC 2017

I still use gopher to serve files for my students, even though the
majority of them don't even know about gopher.  It is a lot easier for
me to manage the files on my gopher server, and the very clean interface
makes it pretty easy for the students to find what they need.

Up until recently I was using the floodgap proxy to allow them to access
my gopher content.  But now I have created a very simple PHP script that
will read a gophermap and output the content as HTML.  This allows me to
easily keep and maintain my gopher site, and also allows easy access by
anyone who does not know about or want to know about gopher.

You can get the script here:


And you can see it in action by going to:


It works best with the Motsognir gopher server, due to the use of the
%FILES% directive in a Motsognir-friendly gophermap.  But it should work
with pretty much any gophermap.

To use it you'll need a set of gopher content with a gopher server and
http/php server pointing at the exact same content.  Simply edit this
script with your server's base URL, rename it to index.php and place it
in each directory that has a gophermap file in it.  Now when you point
your web server at that same directory, it should serve up the gophermap

I've tested it as much as I can, but beware that this is a new script.
It has not been tested in any other environments other than my
LAMP/Motsognir server.

I hope this is useful to others.  Feedback and code changes are


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