[gopher] Future of this list, etc.

Héctor A. Abreu habreu71 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 1 22:53:20 UTC 2017

On Sun, Oct 01, 2017 at 02:27:38PM -0700, James Mills wrote:
> Can we just secure NNTP from spammers? How hard could it be? :P

In slrn (I haven't used any other news client yet) you just mark an article to be killed and specify the criteria (author, message-ID coming from "googlegroups", subject, reference, headers or other criteria). The news client applies the criteria to the newsgroup (or newsgroups) and the unwanted messages are gone. You can also edit the score file to create more complex filters, like "allow articles from this guy on newsgroup X but only if it is about topic Y."

I think normally a couple of filters like that will fix a spammy newsgroup, but comp.infosystems.gopher is not even spammy, I haven't had to apply any filter to that group yet.
Héctor A. Abreu

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