[gopher] Future of this list

Mateusz Viste mateusz at nospam.viste.fr
Mon Oct 2 07:42:04 UTC 2017

On Mon, 02 Oct 2017 00:50:40 -0400, Stephen Kellat wrote:
> Spectrum/TWC has eternal-september.org blackholed.  Any ideas on how to
> best do things through SDF.org maybe?  If I have to go UUCP over SSH to
> SDF to get around Spectrum possibly blocking USENET and some related
> sites, I may have a Raspberry Pi to devote to being a gateway.

Sounds like an awful lot of troubles.

What about http://news.aioe.org/ ?

mailing lists suck, right? come see us at comp.infosystems.gopher
why? gopher://gopher.viste.fr/0whyusenet.txt

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