[gopher] Future of this mailing list

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Wed Oct 18 20:16:33 UTC 2017

IPad <ipad at petergarner.net> writes:

>> 2) Migration to Google Groups
> Based on Google's record on closing down allegedly unpopular (but widely used) services, I wouldn't want to risk this. And I don't really trust Google.
>> 3) Migration to some other service (which?)
> NNTP seems pretty straightforward and there seems to be quite a good
> selection of software. I'm now using it on a daily basis on Android
> and Linux.

To sum up what I've heard so far:

Nobody likes Google Groups.

There is some support for lists.debian.org or other such things.

There are strong feelings on both sides if the NNTP issue.

Let me just add my two cents on NNTP.  A newsgroup already exists.
Those for whom that is a suitable forum are already there.  I think that
would spell the end of this group.  Why?

1) The barrier to entry is high.  It means we are not welcoming to
newcomers and require more effort than any other free software project
for everyone.

2) The stack is dated.

I used to maintain an ISP's INN server and tin client back in the day.
I know how this stuff works.  I used Gnus for mail and news for yeras.
But I have zero participation on Usenet anymore.  The protocol doesn't
permit sync of state across devices like IMAP does.  It is quite

3) A different "inbox" from everything else is likely to be forgotten in
short order.

4) A partial solution to some of this is Google Groups.  But - see above
on Google Groups.

My own participation in the list is likely to either end or switch to
Google Groups if that is the way we go.  I'm just one guy, but I'm just
being honest about stuff.  I barely have time to keep up with all my
lists as it is.  Throw a whole different protocol and app stack into the
mix, and it just isn't worth it.


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