[gopher] Future of this mailing list

Nuno Silva nunojsilva at ist.utl.pt
Thu Oct 19 05:44:06 UTC 2017

On 2017-10-18 21:07 +0300, Ciprian Dorin Craciun wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 7:09 PM, Héctor A. Abreu <habreu71 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 06:22:42PM +0300, Ciprian Dorin Craciun wrote:
> >>
> >> Please don't use NNTP...  As -- again an irony -- I guess quite a few
> >> subscribers use webmail, Android / iOS native clients, and many other
> >> MUA's that don't support NNTP...
> >>
> >
> > Are there technical reasons preventing some members of this list to
> > subscribe to comp.infosystems.gopher ?
> Well, the first "non-technical" reason for reading this list via NNTP
> I would say is "we are living in 2017", and it seems that email (and
> SPAM) have won the war...

Sorry if I'm repeating myself, but in the case of
comp.infosystems.gopher, this is definitely not true. SPAM didn't win
the war there.

> (3)  Find an NNTP client compatible with ones platform, and one which
> is up-to-date with regard to security.  (Any good, lightweight,
> candidates?  And hopefully one that has a GUI?  Anything else except
> Thunderbird or Evolution which are humongous monsters?)
> (3a)  Find a packaged binary for your OS.
> (3b)  Learn how to use it.
> (4)  Configure everything so that it works.
> (5)  Repeat from step (3) with each device one uses.  (Say at least
> laptop and phone.)

I agree that requiring additional steps will scare away people with
little time. From this point of view, migrating to another list server,
especially one that does not require a google account to configure the
subscription options, would be a good option, as then the list of
subscribers could possibly be just migrated?

Nuno Silva

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