[gopher] ANNOUNCE: New Web Portal for USENET

Mr. Leveck leveck at leveck.us
Thu Oct 19 20:34:08 UTC 2017

Nice and clean. Bookmarked for potential use in the future. Good job.
I typically use NNTP via SSH into RPoD (my Raspberry Pi that's internet hitable), due to the afore mentioned syncing issue with USENET.

19. Oct 2017 04:16 by jaruzel at jaruzel.com:

> Hi All,
> What with the ongoing discussion on where the list is going, and lots of 
> peoples adversion to USENET and Google Groups (the latter of which I 
> also dislike), I spent a couple of hours last night, coding up this:
> http://www.jaruzel.com/apps/usenet
> It's 100% a proof of concept, and very rough around the edges, and also 
> doesn't have any posting ability (yet!), but it's something I've been 
> meaning to do for quite some time, as there are quite a few low traffic 
> USENET groups I want to start following regularly.
> So, is this useful or not?  If it was fleshed out into a proper platform 
> would people use it?  Does it help in the on-going conversation of 
> whether to migrate to comp.infosystems.gopher or not?
> Of course, it's not that hard to evolve what I've got to include a 
> mailing list function and a proper domain for it to live on etc. Which I 
> am happy to host and manage.
> If there's no takers, then fine. As I said it's something I've wanted to 
> have anyway... :)
> Cheers,
> Matt (Jaruzel)
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