[gopher] Is the mailing list down?

Matt Owen (Jaruzel) jaruzel at jaruzel.com
Fri Oct 27 09:13:20 UTC 2017

In article <20171026093121.GB4400 at evenstar.kyla.fi>, nunojsilva-
s6mEjpzMaPUVhHzd4jOs4w at public.gmane.org says...

>> > I can see about 6 new posts here in the gmane NNTP, but I'm not 
>> > copies via the mailing list. Is it down?
>> I'm getting mails just fine thru the list.
>Just fine here too, got a bunch of new emails in the past 24 hours.

Aha, I've just had a re-activation email from the mailing list, saying that 
previous delivery attempts were bouncing. *shrug*

All fixed now I guess!

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