[Guessnet-devel] [svn] r117 - in trunk: . debian

Thomas Hood guessnet-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Mon, 02 May 2005 13:05:19 +0000

Author: jdthood-guest
Date: Mon May  2 13:05:18 2005
New Revision: 117

Update ChangeLog and changelog

Modified: trunk/ChangeLog
--- trunk/ChangeLog	(original)
+++ trunk/ChangeLog	Mon May  2 13:05:18 2005
@@ -1,3 +1,22 @@
+2005-05-02: New version 0.36
+  * If link beat detection fails completely (like, is not supported),
+    then act as if the link beat is present
+  * Make test-wireless-ap handle MAC address argument properly
+  * Remove dns-* lines from /etc/network/interfaces example stanzas
+    since these are Debian-specific and users may be confused by them
+2005-02-07: New version 0.35
+  * Allows any amount of whitespace in /etc/network/interfaces between "test"
+    and the rest of the line
+  * Complains if a line starts with "test(-|\s)" but it cannot be parsed by
+    guessnet
+  * Integrate material from ifupdown-roam README into the README
+  * Fix FTBFS on Alpha
 2004-10-05: New version 0.30
   * Move auxiliary test programs to /usr/share/guessnet/test/

Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog	(original)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog	Mon May  2 13:05:18 2005
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
 guessnet (0.36-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream version
+    + If link beat detection fails completely (as happens when it
+      is not supported), then act as if the link beat is present
+      (Closes: #295518)
+    + Make test-wireless-ap handle the MAC address argument properly
+      (Closes: #286835)
+    + Remove resolvconf-related lines from /etc/network/interfaces
+      example stanzas since users could be confused by them
+      (Closes: #297836)
   * Recommends: iproute because /usr/share/guessnet/test/test-wireless
     (still classified as an experimental test) uses the ip command
     (Closes: #294346)
-  * Remove resolvconf-related material from /etc/network/interfaces
-    example stanzas  (Closes: #297836)
-  * If link beat detection fails completely (like, is not supported), then act
-    as the link beat is present (Closes: #295518)
-  * Make test-wireless-ap handle MAC properly (Closes: #286835)
  -- Enrico Zini <enrico@debian.org>  Mon,  2 May 2005 14:11:32 +0200
@@ -42,7 +46,7 @@
 guessnet (0.31-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Release of 0.30-1~trial4.
-    Thomas Hood joined development.
+    Thomas Hood joined development team.
  -- Enrico Zini <enrico@debian.org>  Fri, 15 Oct 2004 12:33:01 +0200
@@ -51,23 +55,23 @@
   * Unreleased
   * New upstream release which includes the following changes that
     affect Debian bug reports:
-    - test-dhcp:
-      + Remove  (Closes: #268318) 
-    - guessnet:
-      + Redirect output of pppoe test to /dev/null (Closes: #257216)
-      + Make wireless tests work  (Closes: #225953)
-    - getmac:
-      + Add comment that it is written for the iputils-arping version
+    + test-dhcp:
+      - Remove  (Closes: #268318) 
+    + guessnet:
+      - Redirect output of pppoe test to /dev/null (Closes: #257216)
+      - Make wireless tests work  (Closes: #225953)
+    + getmac:
+      - Add comment that it is written for the iputils-arping version
         of arping.  (Closes: #273110)
-    - guessnet.8:
-      + Note that multiple test peer IP addresses must differ from
+    + guessnet.8:
+      - Note that multiple test peer IP addresses must differ from
         one another  (Mitigates: #268572)
   * copyright, README.Debian
-    - Tweak
+    + Tweak
   * Remove execute permission from files in the examples directory
   * control:
-    - Suggest: waproamd
-    - Tweak Description
+    + Suggest: waproamd
+    + Tweak Description
  -- Thomas Hood <jdthood@yahoo.co.uk>  Sun,  3 Oct 2004 12:13:51 +0200