[Guessnet-devel] [svn] r119 - trunk
Thomas Hood
Mon, 02 May 2005 13:57:51 +0000
Author: jdthood-guest
Date: Mon May 2 13:57:50 2005
New Revision: 119
Add item to TODO: Integrate wireless test into guessnet
Modified: trunk/README
--- trunk/README (original)
+++ trunk/README Mon May 2 13:57:50 2005
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
-Last updated 20 Oct 2004
+Last updated 2 May 2005
@@ -259,10 +259,11 @@
- - Check what is this: http://people.redhat.com/dcbw/NetworkManager/
+ - Check out NetworkManager
- Create a script to output an ifupdown configuration snippet out of the
current network configuration:
$ guessnet-mkconfig eth0 debconf
iface debconf inet static
address <current IP address>
@@ -274,6 +275,9 @@
<same results except for test-peer>
test-peer <ip and mac of machine "peermachine">
+ - Add an option to just dump configuration to stdout and exit, to be used
+ to test configuration file parsers
- Suggest ifplugd and suggest a high hysteresis
- Wait for #238344 "unknown physical layer type 0x30f" to be solved
@@ -282,9 +286,6 @@
- Render the libnet work-around optional, wrap it around preprocessor
directives and set the directives in configure.ac
- - Add an option to just dump configuration to stdout and exit, to be used
- to test configuration file parsers
- Consider #226031 "support for a --runcommand option"
- It might be that Fabian's patch introduces this bug that guessnet can't kill
@@ -303,11 +304,9 @@
sure what mechanism would underlie such a thing, tho.
(Tony Godshall <togo@of.net>)
- - guessnet: Limit the scope of the program to Ethernet. Every configuration
- file knows about the kind of an interface, so that's nothing that guessnet
- should do. Whoever calls guessnet, does it just to find out the correct
- profile for an Ethernet interface. For detection on other interfaces, other
- programs can be made.
+ - guessnet: Limit the scope of the program to Ethernet. Whoever calls guessnet
+ does it just to find out the correct profile for an Ethernet interface. For
+ detection on other kinds of interfaces, other programs can be made.
- Add default tests according to the kind of logical interface defined
in /e/n/i?
@@ -326,6 +325,8 @@
- Suggest ifupdown people to implement a zcip mode
+ - wireless test needs to be integrated into guessnet proper. The
+ test-wireless script does ifconfig up and ifconfig down -- terrible!