[Guessnet-devel] test missing-cable; pre-up false

Tom Vajzovic tom.viza at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 09:52:29 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I notice in the guessnet manpage that it says under the missing-cable
  "Unfortunately, guessnet is not currently able to tell ifup to refrain
   from configuring an interface.  The problem can be solved,  however,
   by means of the ifplugd(8) program."

I solve this much more simply by using in /etc/network/interfaces:

iface fail inet dhcp
        pre-up /bin/false
        test missing-cable

This correctly leaves the interface unconfigured if the cable is

Do you consider this a botch, or is this something that you might like
to add to the guessnet docs?

It avoids having an extra daemon running just to monitor the network
cable, and it also avoids sending dhcp requests and waiting for them to
timeout when there is no cable plugged in.



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