[helix-maintainers] Re: Helix Software for Debian

Thomas Maurer tma@hispeed.ch
Sat, 24 Jul 2004 10:44:58 +0200

Hi Anibal,

Am Sam, den 24.07.2004 schrieb Anibal Monsalve Salazar um 6:44: 
> Two of the runs failed because there is no file 'SIGNATURE-----'.
> The other run, helix-server_10.1-cvs-1, has a lots of lintian/linda
> errors/warnings.

Thanks for the reports. I corrected the problem. It was a blank line in
the gpg-signed files *.dsc and *.changes =). I signed "by hand" and gpg puts 
no blank line between the file content and the sig.

Try again please. You only need to downlaod the two aforementioned

The helix-server pkg is quite new, and not yet really stable (anyway, that are 
dev-sources). The init-script isn't perfect yet, too. The server build worked, right?
If so, did you test the server?

 1. Open the port 554  (rtsp) in your firewall
 2. Upload an mp3 file to your server. Move it to dir /var/media/helix/content
 3. Start the server with `/etc/init.d/helix-server start`
 4. Start the RealPlayer (DL: https://player.helixcommunity.org/2004/downloads)
	-> File -> Open Location: rtsp://<your.server>/<your.mp3>
