[helix-maintainers] after seeing "This section requires a Commercial license" in the hlxserver.cfg

Sean Champ gimbal@sdf.lonestar.org
Mon, 11 Apr 2005 01:22:55 -0700

Some responses:

1) The file /etc/helix/server/hlxserver.cfg "looks like XML" and yet,
it seems rather  silly; it is not a well-formed/valid XML  file. There
is no XML 'root element' in the file. I cannot expect any XML parser
to be able to actually deal with that.

How this has "got by them", I do not know. How they can  make it
nearly an XML file, and they do not even know to include a root
element in the document, is "beyond me". I'm not up for signing-up
with yet another mailing list, just to "shoot at 'em", about this.

2) I've seen two sections in the hlxserver.cfg file, with the
following text, written  in the comments: 

        This section requires a Commerce license 

I am not intending to "stump thump" about the GPL. Still, I'm having a
tough time, at taking Helix/Real seriously, here.

I'd ike to ask, of this free/open community : What is that "Commercial
license" about? 

Thank you
