[helix-maintainers] Bug#330876: helix-player: Plugin installation not complete

Daniel Baumann daniel.baumann at panthera-systems.net
Fri Sep 30 12:47:35 UTC 2005

Michael Piefel wrote:
> While installing: 
> ln: Erzeugen der symbolischen Verknüpfung
> „/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/components/nphelix.xpt“ zu
> „/usr/lib/helix/player/mozilla/nphelix.xpt“: Datei oder Verzeichnis
> nicht gefunden

Yes, I am aware of it and it is broken anyway. The new package of this
weekend will a) use proper alternatives and b) link evertyingt into
plugins, as it does not matter at all where it is linked.

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann at panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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