[Hostname-devel] 2011 JOB VACANCIES

Aicha Traore a_traore20010 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 22 15:07:13 UTC 2011

London Kensington Hotels 
>97 Cromwell Road, London, SW7 4DN, ENGLAND.
 We are delighted to bring  to your notice the current employment vacancies in 
our reputable Hotels. We  discovered your CV through the CV database website  
and we found your  CV convenient for one of the posts  in our hotel, These 
vacancies were  created as a result of the temporary  onward relocation of our 
foreign expatriate staffs that will go for  further training, while others were 
sent on compulsory  retirement due to there official retirement time. As result 
of this, the Hotel  hereby wishes to fill these vacancies with suitably 
qualified employees.  Below are the jobs available. Monthly salaries are paid in 
UK local  currency (British Pounds).
> 1 Car Washers
>   ₤2800 
> 2 Cleaners
>   ₤3000 
> 3 Bar Attendants/Waiters/Waitresses
>   ₤2900 
> 4 Skilled Entertainers
>   ₤3200 
> 5 Technicians/Electricians/Plumbers   ₤2950 
> 6 Hotel Agents
>   ₤3000 
> 7 Secretary   ₤5000 
> 8
> Qualified Computer   Engineers
>   ₤6000 
> 9 Drivers 
>   ₤2650 
> 10 Experienced Securities   ₤3500 
> 11 Receptionists    ₤4000 
> 12 IT Consult/Network Administrators   ₤5000 
> 13 Web  Managers/Developers
>   ₤5000 
> 14 Reservation Consultants   ₤4500 
> 15 Motor Mechanic Engineers   ₤4000 
> 16 Chefs   ₤4000 
> 17 Gardener   ₤3000 
> 18 Qualified English Tutor   ₤5000 
> 19 Qualified Medical Personnel
>   ₤6500 
> 20 Qualified Assistant Manager   ₤7500 
> 21 Qualified Accountants   ₤6000 
> 22 Qualified Human Resource Officer
>   ₤7000 
>   * Your age  must be 18 years above
>    * Must have basic  education at least. 
>    * Must be reliable  and trustworthy. 
>    * Must be  law-abiding and adhere strictly to the Rules and regulations 
>guiding the  operations of the Hotel 
>   *Those seeking professional positions such must   have must have 
>qualifications and work experience which may be relevant  to the position 
>applied for. 
>* ACCOMMODATION - Each Staff is entitled to a self-contained apartment with 
>kitchen,  toilet and bathroom with modern facilities at staffs' quarters. 
>*FEEDING - Breakfast are generally served to  all employees every morning while 
>on duty. 
>If you  wish to apply for a position among the listed vacancies, submit your  
>application/CV to the General Manager via email (acarvaloh at yahoo.com)for 
>standard application and procedures.  The management will shoulder the expenses 
>of  all international applicants selected. 
>Best  Regards, 
>Caroline Watson
>Publicity   Agent. 
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