[Hostname-devel] Congratulation(Reply)

Neil Trotter istanbul at maden.org.tr
Fri Aug 29 05:02:56 UTC 2014

Dear Email Owner,

My name is Neil Trotter the current winner of £107.9 million Pounds on the just concluded Euromillion Jackpot Draw for 2014,and I bring to you a perfect good news for such a perfect timing as this. I know this is surprising for you to have received this at this very early stage.

But because I just received the cheque on Friday 14th of March 2014 and I am excited, so I am willing to donate $300,000.00 (Three Hundred Thousand United State Dollars) to you and as part of my effort to alleviate poverty and care for the less privileged around the world, I have decided to donate to just 15 people around the globe which you are a part of.

Your email was luckily selected via a Google & Facebook sponsored email-draws, and I decided to put this on the internet for the world to see in other to relinquish any doubts.

See link for proof: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-26627075

For immediate release of these donated funds, send your *Full Names:……,*Tel:….. *Age:…..& *Country:…..and we will instruct our payout Bank to transfer the sum of $300,000.00 to you.

So do get back to us quickly via email at: neiltrotter1974 at gmail.com

Congratulations & Happy Celebrations in Advance.

Neil Trotter.

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