[Hostname-devel] FAITHFUL JESUS

kato yuzo yuzo_kato at outlook.com
Wed Aug 24 20:01:46 UTC 2016

My name is HRH  PRINCE BORIS III 74years old man from Republic of Slovenia,

I have to be grateful to God almighty for all he has done for me since I was born

till now, many of my age mates could not have the privilege of this, up on all

their education and family background but by his grace I was able to reach where

am today.

My mail may come to you as a surprise but it is the will of God ,

The reason of contacting you now is that am looking for reliable organization,

NGO, churches or trusted individual that can handle this money for proper use of

it for charity work  because is like am coming to end of my life, and  I know

many are in need been frustrated, rejected because of poverty so we have to

release what soever we have to support them.

Am very sick of chronic cancer of the leg,lever cancer and  partial stroke, to

eat now is a big problem, because of this all the doctors have confirmed and

predicted my death in less than few months from now.

This is why I have to donate all I have to you for the work of God as I don't

have any child who will inherit my wealth.My wife died seven years ago.

I have made ($8.5m) eight million five hundred  thousand dollars only   available

for less privileged people (charity homes) and has been deposited in the bank

waiting your reply.

 please am putting this fund in to your care for prompt distribution which I know

you can handle it,  because this is my vow/ promise to my God.

I have also make one millions dollars ($1,000,000.00) available for  you and your

family and for all the expenses which you might spent in the transaction   so

that you will not tamper the money made for privileged people then grand total is

($9,500.000.00) nine million five hundred  thousand dollars only.

If you are interested and fully be trusted contact me immediately so that i can

inform you how you can receive this fund before is too late  for me.

I will attach  my pictures upon your reply
God bless you,
Looking forward to hear from you.

HRH  Prince Boris.
REPLY ON:(prince.boris94 at yahoo.com)

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