[I386-uclibc-devel] Re: question on hurd-i386 Debian architecture

Riku Voipio riku.voipio at iki.fi
Mon Mar 13 11:45:59 UTC 2006

On Mon, Mar 13, 2006 at 10:38:52AM +0100, Pjotr Kourzanov wrote:
> Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> >Not being a dpkg maintainer, I find this to be a gratuitous change for
> >no good reason (other than "it looks a bit better"). I don't see what
> >point it would serve.

> Maybe the ability to run Debian on embedded or old systems?
> AFAIK, there is currently no support for running Debian with uclibc...

Wouter is referring to the naming change. Indeed I agree, changing
naming conventions is troublesome, and discussions about what naming
convention "looks good" are endless. Essentially it's a 
"color of the bikeshed" [1] issue.

As for debian with uClibc, there is SLIND[2] which uses 
uclibc-i386 / uclibc-arm/ uclibc-powerpc and i386-uclibc[3] alioth
project, which is quite staganant ATM and hasn't selected arch name yet.

[1] http://www.unixguide.net/freebsd/faq/16.19.shtml
[2] http://www.emdebian.org/slind.html
[3] http://alioth.debian.org/projects/i386-uclibc/

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