[I386-uclibc-devel] Re: question on hurd-i386 Debian architecture

Daniel Ruoso daniel at ruoso.com
Mon Mar 20 20:41:26 UTC 2006

Em Sáb, 2006-03-18 às 23:17 +0100, Pjotr Kourzanov escreveu:
> Yes. However, I think that 'setting up buildd' is the least difficult
> of those tasks. It is by far more difficult to produce patches for all
> 'standard debian packages' that make them first of all, cross-compile
> correctly, and (only) then make them uClibc-friendly.

Sorry, I don't get it. Debian has support for several architectures, why
a sub-arch would be harder? Many packages will just work. Remember that
in such sub-arch, we can have uclibc-dev replacing libc6-dev, solving
the builddeps...

Have you ever seen uwoody[1]? there are not so many patches as you're
claiming to be necessary... I'm really lost about what are you talking

[1] http://people.debian.org/~andersee/uwoody/

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