[I386-uclibc-devel] Re: Bug#341441: libuclibc0: new upstream version: debian/ patch

David Schmitt david at schmitt.edv-bus.at
Sun Mar 26 16:12:06 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 31 January 2006 23:57, you wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 30, 2006 at 04:54:33PM +0100, David Schmitt wrote:
> > Package: libuclibc0
> > Followup-For: Bug #341441
> Would you be interested in taking over the uclibc packaging?  I'm
> clearly not keeping up.

Hi David, developers!

I finally came around to prepare a upload of uclibc-0.9.28.

You can find it at http://debian.edv-bus.at/uclibc/

I'm now searching for feedback and - if everything is ok - a sponsor.

 uclibc (0.9.28-0) unstable; urgency=low
   * new upstream (Closes: #341441)
     - now builds with gcc-4.0 (Closes: #318564)
   * redo packaging with quilt
   * build against linux-kernel-headers
   * patches/fix-fix_includes: include asm-i486 (Closes: #336367)
   * patches/fix-includes-install: fix call to tar
   * include Changelog (Closes: #306104)
   * Acknowledge NMU, thanks to Frank Lichtenheld (Closes: #235014)
   * added debian/gcc-uClibc/ from old package
     - compile against current default compiler (Closes: #335940, #334028)
     - move binaries and symlinks (Closes: #329220)
     - fix arch triplet to -linux-uclibc (Closes: #335939)

Regards, David
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- *hust* gut *rotz* *keuch*
- gott sei dank kommunizieren wir über ein septisches medium ;)
 -- Matthias Leeb, Uni f. angewandte Kunst, 2005-02-15

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