[Initscripts-ng-commits] r102 - in /trunk/www/soc2006-bootsystem/code: lintian_init.d lintian_init.d.desc

dvictoria-guest at users.alioth.debian.org dvictoria-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Fri Jul 28 06:57:49 UTC 2006

Author: dvictoria-guest
Date: Fri Jul 28 06:57:44 2006
New Revision: 102

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/initscripts-ng/?sc=1&rev=102
small changes to lintian script


Modified: trunk/www/soc2006-bootsystem/code/lintian_init.d
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/initscripts-ng/trunk/www/soc2006-bootsystem/code/lintian_init.d?rev=102&op=diff
--- trunk/www/soc2006-bootsystem/code/lintian_init.d (original)
+++ trunk/www/soc2006-bootsystem/code/lintian_init.d Fri Jul 28 06:57:44 2006
@@ -198,10 +198,16 @@
 	#begin patch
 	$tag{'lsb-begin'} or tag "init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-begin-header", "";
-	$tag{'lsb-begin'} or tag "init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-begin-header", "";
-	$tag{'lsb-begin'} or tag "init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-begin-header", "";
-	$tag{'lsb-begin'} or tag "init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-begin-header", "";
+	$tag{'lsb-ending'} or tag "init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-begin-header", "";
+	$tag{'lsb-provides'} or tag "init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-begin-header", "";
+	$tag{'lsb-requiredstart'} or tag "init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-begin-header", "";
+	$tag{'lsb-requiredstop'} or tag "init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-begin-header", "";
+	$tag{'lsb-shouldstart'} or tag "init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-begin-header", "";
+	$tag{'lsb-shouldstop'} or tag "init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-begin-header", "";
+	$tag{'lsb-defaultstart'} or tag "init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-begin-header", "";
+	$tag{'lsb-defaultstop'} or tag "init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-begin-header", "";
+	$tag{'lsb-shortdescription'} or tag "init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-begin-header", "";
+	$tag{'lsb-description'} or tag "init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-begin-header", "";
 	#end patch
     } else {

Added: trunk/www/soc2006-bootsystem/code/lintian_init.d.desc
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/initscripts-ng/trunk/www/soc2006-bootsystem/code/lintian_init.d.desc?rev=102&op=file
--- trunk/www/soc2006-bootsystem/code/lintian_init.d.desc (added)
+++ trunk/www/soc2006-bootsystem/code/lintian_init.d.desc Fri Jul 28 06:57:44 2006
@@ -1,0 +1,99 @@
+Check-Script: init.d
+Author: Christian Schwarz <schwarz at debian.org>
+Abbrev: ini
+Standards-Version: 3.2.0
+Type: binary
+Needs-Info: init.d
+Unpack-Level: 1
+Tag: duplicate-updaterc.d-calls-in-postinst
+Type: error
+Info: The <tt>postinst</tt> script calls <tt>update-rc.d</tt> several
+ times for the same <tt>/etc/init.d</tt> script.
+Tag: output-of-updaterc.d-not-redirected-to-dev-null
+Type: info
+Info: The output messages of the <tt>update-rc.d</tt> command should be
+ redirected to <tt>/dev/null</tt> because it is currently very chatty
+ per default.
+Tag: preinst-calls-updaterc.d
+Type: error
+Info: The <tt>preinst</tt> package calls <tt>update-rc.d</tt>. Instead,
+ you should call it in the <tt>postinst</tt> script.
+Ref: policy
+Tag: duplicate-updaterc.d-calls-in-postrm
+Type: error
+Info: The <tt>postrm</tt> script calls <tt>update-rc.d</tt> several
+ times for the same <tt>/etc/init.d</tt> script.
+Tag: prerm-calls-updaterc.d
+Type: error
+Info: The <tt>prerm</tt> package calls <tt>update-rc.d</tt>. Instead,
+ you should call it in the <tt>postrm</tt> script.
+Ref: policy
+Tag: postrm-does-not-call-updaterc.d-for-init.d-script
+Type: error
+Info: An <tt>/etc/init.d</tt> script which has been registered in the
+ <tt>postinst</tt> script is not de-registered in the
+ <tt>postrm</tt> script.
+Tag: postrm-contains-additional-updaterc.d-calls
+Type: error
+Info: The <tt>postrm</tt> de-registers an <tt>/etc/init.d</tt> script which
+ has not been registered in the <tt>postinst</tt> script before.
+Tag: file-in-etc-rc.d-marked-as-conffile
+Type: error
+Ref: policy 9.3.3
+Info: The symbolic links in <tt>/etc/rc?.d</tt> may not be marked as conffiles.
+Tag: init.d-script-not-marked-as-conffile
+Type: warning
+Ref: policy 9.3.2
+Info: <tt>/etc/init.d</tt> scripts should be marked as conffiles.
+ .
+ This is usually an error, but the Policy allows for managing these files
+ manually in maintainer scripts and Lintian cannot reliably detect that.
+Tag: init.d-script-does-not-implement-required-option
+Type: error
+Info: The <tt>/etc/init.d</tt> scripts have to support the following
+ command line arguments: start, stop, restart, force-reload.
+Tag: init.d-script-not-included-in-package
+Type: error
+Info: The <tt>/etc/init.d</tt> script is registered in the
+ <tt>postinst</tt> script, but is not included in the package.
+Tag: script-in-etc-init.d-not-registered-via-update-rc.d
+Type: warning
+Info: The package installs an <tt>/etc/init.d</tt> script which is
+ not registered in the <tt>postinst</tt> script. This is usually a bug,
+ unless you omit the links intentionally for some reason or create the
+ links some other way.
+ #start patch
+Tag: init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-begin-header
+Type: warning
+Info: The <tt>/etc/init.d</tt> script has not a correct LSB header: ### BEGIN INIT INFO. LSB headers provide run-time dependencies that are used to check the correct boot order and to allow parallel execution during boot.
+Tag: init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-ending-header
+Type: warning
+Info: The <tt>/etc/init.d</tt> script has not a correct LSB header: ### END INIT INFO. LSB headers provide run-time dependencies that are used to check the correct boot order and to allow parallel execution during boot.
+Tag: init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-provides-header
+Type: warning
+Info: The <tt>/etc/init.d</tt> script has not a correct LSB header: # Provides: . LSB headers provide run-time dependencies that are used to check the correct boot order and to allow parallel execution during boot.
+Tag: init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-requiredstart-header
+Type: warning
+Info: The <tt>/etc/init.d</tt> script has not a correct LSB header: ### BEGIN INIT INFO. LSB headers provide run-time dependencies that are used to check the correct boot order and to allow parallel execution during boot.
+Tag: init.d-script-does-not-implement-lsb-requiredstop-header
+Type: warning
+Info: The <tt>/etc/init.d</tt> script has not a correct LSB header: ### BEGIN INIT INFO. LSB headers provide run-time dependencies that are used to check the correct boot order and to allow parallel execution during boot.
+ #end patch

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