metainit ready for extended testing

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at
Wed Feb 20 08:14:42 UTC 2008

[Eduard Bloch]
> This doesn't make sense. How should you "abstraction" manager get
> the information about which functionality becomes available with
> particular script? Is there some other communication line to deliver
> that info?

Since my last reply, I have discovered that insserv support a .d
directory for the configuration file used to specify these virtual
facilities.  This make me believe that one way to specify this is to
have a package include a file in /etc/insserv.conf.d/ specifying that
it provides a virtual facility.  I have not tested this myself, but
suspect it is the way to handle alternative packages providing the
same virtual facility.

I've focused on reporting to BTS the packages missing LSB header, and
discovering and fixing bugs in existing LSB headers, and have not had
time to test and document how alternative packages should be handled.

> Oh yes, assuming and believing is not the right way to go, IMHO.

I agree.  Just take some time to get to learn all the facets of
dependency based boot sequencing. :)

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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