Bug#541250: p910nd: Incorrect runlevels and dependencies in init.d LSB header

mariodebian mariodebian at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 18:58:38 UTC 2009

El mié, 12-08-2009 a las 20:25 +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen escribió:
> Package:  p910nd
> Version:  0.93-1
> Severity: important
> Tags:     patch
> User:     initscripts-ng-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
> Usertags: incorrect-runlevels incorrect-dependency
> With dependency based boot sequencing, I discovered what I believe is
> a bug in the init.d/p910nd script.  The runlevel list state that it
> should stop in runlevel 2 and not start in runlevel 4.  This is
> inconsistent with the Debian runlevels and the arguments used for
> update-rc.d.  Also, the dependencies are not correct.  It uses files
> in /usr/, and thus need to depend on $remote_fs.

Fixed, I'm not a DD, Can you sponsor this upload?

You can build the package with this:

git clone http://tcosproject.org/git/p910nd.git
cd p910nd

Or you can build the package with 0.93-1 and the patch attached.

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