[Kernel-handbook-general] A little typo and some suggestions

Jurij Smakov jurij at wooyd.org
Sun Oct 30 01:38:20 UTC 2005

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Francesco Poli wrote:

> Hello kernel-handbook maintainers!
> I think I noticed a typo in section 4.2 (_Rebuilding an official Debian
> kernel package_)
> "This will download an unpack the linux-major source package"
> s/an/and/

Thanks, this typo is now corrected.

> Additionally I would like to point out that command lines are quoted in
> an inconsistent way: section 4.1 (_Obtaining the Debian kernel source_)
> uses bulleted lists, while section 4.2 (_Rebuilding an official Debian
> kernel package_) uses definition lists as command/explanation.
> IMHO a convention should be defined once and for all (and then
> consistently followed).
> Moreover I would appreciate if it were clearer which commands must be
> run as root and which may be issued by a normal user: for instance you
> could adopt the (common) convention of putting a "# " as the root prompt
> and "$ " as the normal user prompt...

Thanks for the comments, I have added them to my todo list :-).

Best regards,

Jurij Smakov                                        jurij at wooyd.org
Key: http://www.wooyd.org/pgpkey/                   KeyID: C99E03CC

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