[Kernel-handbook-general] [PATCH 5/7] Whitespace changes (I'm seeing a pattern here)

Karl Goetz karl at kgoetz.id.au
Thu May 26 05:50:23 UTC 2011

 chapter-common-tasks.sgml |  608 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 files changed, 304 insertions(+), 304 deletions(-)

diff --git a/chapter-common-tasks.sgml b/chapter-common-tasks.sgml
index e5b1c3e..6480e84 100644
--- a/chapter-common-tasks.sgml
+++ b/chapter-common-tasks.sgml
@@ -2,382 +2,382 @@
       <heading>Common kernel-related tasks</heading>
       <sect id="common-getting">
         <heading>Obtaining the Debian kernel source</heading>
-	<p>
-	  To get the Debian kernel source at the current maximum patchlevel,
-	  it is sufficient to install the latest <tt>linux-source-<em>version</em></tt>
-	  package and unpack the source, for example:
-	  <example>
+        <p>
+          To get the Debian kernel source at the current maximum patchlevel,
+          it is sufficient to install the latest <tt>linux-source-<em>version</em></tt>
+          package and unpack the source, for example:
+          <example>
 # apt-get install linux-source-2.6.18
 $ tar jxf /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.18.tar.bz2
-	  The unpacked source tree then will be available in <tt>linux-source-2.6.18</tt> directory.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-	  In order to get the Debian kernel source at the patchlevel
-	  <em>different</em> from the one provided by the current
-	  <tt>linux-source-<em>version</em></tt> package, one should
-	  first install and unpack it, then roll back the unneeded
-	  patch sets using a script from the <tt>linux-patch-debian-<em>version</em></tt> 
-	  package. We assume that in the steps mentioned in the
-	  previous example the version 2.6.18-8 of the
-	  <tt>linux-source-2.6.18</tt> package was installed and
-	  unpacked, so that the Debian kernel source at patchlevel 8 is
-	  available in the <tt>linux-source-2.6.18</tt> directory. It
-	  can then be rolled back to the desired patchlevel (1 in the
-	  example below) by running
-	  <example>
+          The unpacked source tree then will be available in <tt>linux-source-2.6.18</tt> directory.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+          In order to get the Debian kernel source at the patchlevel
+          <em>different</em> from the one provided by the current
+          <tt>linux-source-<em>version</em></tt> package, one should
+          first install and unpack it, then roll back the unneeded
+          patch sets using a script from the <tt>linux-patch-debian-<em>version</em></tt> 
+          package. We assume that in the steps mentioned in the
+          previous example the version 2.6.18-8 of the
+          <tt>linux-source-2.6.18</tt> package was installed and
+          unpacked, so that the Debian kernel source at patchlevel 8 is
+          available in the <tt>linux-source-2.6.18</tt> directory. It
+          can then be rolled back to the desired patchlevel (1 in the
+          example below) by running
+          <example>
 # apt-get install linux-patch-debian-2.6.18
 $ cd linux-source-2.6.18
 $ /usr/src/kernel-patches/all/2.6.18/apply/debian 2.6.18-1
-	  The last command will <em>unapply</em> the set of patches,
-	  which lead from patchlevel 1 to patchlevel 8 and the
-	  resulting tree will appear as if it came from the version
-	  2.6.18-1 of the <tt>linux-source-2.6.18</tt> package. This
-	  system ensures that the source code for any revision of the
-	  Debian kernel source may be recovered from the latest one,
-	  without keeping multiple copies of the source in the
-	  archive.
-	</p>
+          The last command will <em>unapply</em> the set of patches,
+          which lead from patchlevel 1 to patchlevel 8 and the
+          resulting tree will appear as if it came from the version
+          2.6.18-1 of the <tt>linux-source-2.6.18</tt> package. This
+          system ensures that the source code for any revision of the
+          Debian kernel source may be recovered from the latest one,
+          without keeping multiple copies of the source in the
+          archive.
+        </p>
-	<p>
+        <p>
-	  The version <tt><em>version</em>-<em>N</em></tt> (like
-	  2.6.18-8) of the <tt>linux-patch-debian-<em>version</em></tt> 
-	  package contains all the individual patches applied to the
-	  source to achieve any patchlevel up to <tt><em>N</em></tt>.
-	  They are stored in the directory
-	  <tt>/usr/src/kernel-patches/all/<em>version</em>/debian/</tt>.
+          The version <tt><em>version</em>-<em>N</em></tt> (like
+          2.6.18-8) of the <tt>linux-patch-debian-<em>version</em></tt> 
+          package contains all the individual patches applied to the
+          source to achieve any patchlevel up to <tt><em>N</em></tt>.
+          They are stored in the directory
+          <tt>/usr/src/kernel-patches/all/<em>version</em>/debian/</tt>.
-	</p>
+        </p>
       <sect id="common-official">
         <heading>Rebuilding official Debian kernel packages</heading>
-	<p>
-	  You can build all or selected kernel packages by following
-	  these instructions.  You may be asked to do this in order to
-	  test a potential bug fix.
-	</p>
-	<sect1>
-	  <heading>Preparation</heading>
-	  <p>
-	    Run the following commands:
-	    <taglist>
-	      <tag><tt>$ apt-get source linux-2.6</tt></tag>	      
-	      <item>
-		This will download and unpack the
-		<tt>linux-2.6</tt> source package, making the
-		tree available in the
-		<tt>linux-2.6-<em>version</em></tt>
-		directory. As always, the revision part of the version
-		of this package (for example, 8 in 2.6.18-8) will
-		determine its patchlevel with respect to the original
-		upstream kernel source.
-	      </item>
-	      <tag><tt># apt-get install build-essential fakeroot</tt></tag>
-	      <tag><tt># apt-get build-dep linux-2.6</tt></tag>
-	      <item>
-		The last two commands will install the build dependencies required by the kernel
-		build process.
-	      </item>
-	      <tag><tt>$ cd linux-2.6-<em>version</em></tt></tag>
-	      <item>
-		Enter the source directory.
-	      </item>
-	    </taglist>
-	  </p>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1>
-	  <heading>Simple patching and building</heading>
-	  <p>
-	    Starting from version 2.6.32-6, the source package includes
-	    a script to simplify the process of building with extra
-	    patches.  You can use this by running commands such as:
-	    <example>
+        <p>
+          You can build all or selected kernel packages by following
+          these instructions.  You may be asked to do this in order to
+          test a potential bug fix.
+        </p>
+        <sect1>
+          <heading>Preparation</heading>
+          <p>
+            Run the following commands:
+            <taglist>
+              <tag><tt>$ apt-get source linux-2.6</tt></tag>              
+              <item>
+                This will download and unpack the
+                <tt>linux-2.6</tt> source package, making the
+                tree available in the
+                <tt>linux-2.6-<em>version</em></tt>
+                directory. As always, the revision part of the version
+                of this package (for example, 8 in 2.6.18-8) will
+                determine its patchlevel with respect to the original
+                upstream kernel source.
+              </item>
+              <tag><tt># apt-get install build-essential fakeroot</tt></tag>
+              <tag><tt># apt-get build-dep linux-2.6</tt></tag>
+              <item>
+                The last two commands will install the build dependencies required by the kernel
+                build process.
+              </item>
+              <tag><tt>$ cd linux-2.6-<em>version</em></tt></tag>
+              <item>
+                Enter the source directory.
+              </item>
+            </taglist>
+          </p>
+        </sect1>
+        <sect1>
+          <heading>Simple patching and building</heading>
+          <p>
+            Starting from version 2.6.32-6, the source package includes
+            a script to simplify the process of building with extra
+            patches.  You can use this by running commands such as:
+            <example>
 # apt-get install devscripts
 $ bash debian/bin/test-patches ../fix-bug123456.patch ../add-foo-driver.patch
-	    This script has options to control the flavour, featureset,
-	    etc.  For a summary of the options, run:
-	    <example>
+            This script has options to control the flavour, featureset,
+            etc.  For a summary of the options, run:
+            <example>
 $ bash debian/bin/test-patches
-	  </p>
-	  <p>
-	    You may then need to build the linux-base package as well:
-	    <example>
+          </p>
+          <p>
+            You may then need to build the linux-base package as well:
+            <example>
 $ fakeroot make -f debian/rules.real install-linux-base
-	    </example>
-	  </p>
-	  <p>
-	    However, if you need to change the configuration or make
-	    other changes, you should not use this script and should
-	    follow the instructions below.
-	  </p>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1>
-	  <heading>Applying patches or configuration changes</heading>
-	  <p>
-	    It is possible to apply extra patches to the source before
-	    starting the build. First, you should apply the existing
-	    patches by running:
-	    <example>
+            </example>
+          </p>
+          <p>
+            However, if you need to change the configuration or make
+            other changes, you should not use this script and should
+            follow the instructions below.
+          </p>
+        </sect1>
+        <sect1>
+          <heading>Applying patches or configuration changes</heading>
+          <p>
+            It is possible to apply extra patches to the source before
+            starting the build. First, you should apply the existing
+            patches by running:
+            <example>
 $ fakeroot debian/rules source
-	    </example>
-	    You will then find the patched source in the subdirectories
-	    <tt>debian/build/source_<em>arch</em>_none</tt> (default) and
-	    <tt>debian/build/source_<em>arch</em>_<em>featureset</em></tt>
-	    (featuresets added).  You should apply the extra patches in
-	    the appropriate subdirectory.
-	  </p>
-	  <p>
-	    To change the configuration before building, for example
-	    for the 686-bigmem flavour on i386, run the commands:
-	    <example>
+            </example>
+            You will then find the patched source in the subdirectories
+            <tt>debian/build/source_<em>arch</em>_none</tt> (default) and
+            <tt>debian/build/source_<em>arch</em>_<em>featureset</em></tt>
+            (featuresets added).  You should apply the extra patches in
+            the appropriate subdirectory.
+          </p>
+          <p>
+            To change the configuration before building, for example
+            for the 686-bigmem flavour on i386, run the commands:
+            <example>
 $ fakeroot make -f debian/rules.gen setup_i386_none_686-bigmem
 $ make -C debian/build/build_i386_none_686-bigmem menuconfig
-	    </example>
-	  </p>
-	  <p>
-	    If the patches or configuration changes alter type
-	    definitions for the kernel, you may need to change the ABI
-	    name; see <ref id="abi-name">.
-	  </p>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1>
-	  <heading>Building many packages</heading>
-	  <p>
-	    To build all possible packages for this architecture, run:
-	    <example>
+            </example>
+          </p>
+          <p>
+            If the patches or configuration changes alter type
+            definitions for the kernel, you may need to change the ABI
+            name; see <ref id="abi-name">.
+          </p>
+        </sect1>
+        <sect1>
+          <heading>Building many packages</heading>
+          <p>
+            To build all possible packages for this architecture, run:
+            <example>
 $ fakeroot debian/rules binary
-	    </example>
-	    To build all architecture-dependent packages, run:
-	    <example>
+            </example>
+            To build all architecture-dependent packages, run:
+            <example>
 $ fakeroot debian/rules binary-arch
-	    </example>
-	    To build all architecture-independent packages, run:
-	    <example>
+            </example>
+            To build all architecture-independent packages, run:
+            <example>
 $ fakeroot debian/rules binary-indep
-	    </example>
-	  </p>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1>
-	  <heading>Building packages for one flavour</heading>
-	  <p>
-	    For example, to build only the binary packages for 686
-	    flavour on i386 architecture, use the following commands:
-	    <example>
+            </example>
+          </p>
+        </sect1>
+        <sect1>
+          <heading>Building packages for one flavour</heading>
+          <p>
+            For example, to build only the binary packages for 686
+            flavour on i386 architecture, use the following commands:
+            <example>
 $ fakeroot debian/rules source
 $ fakeroot make -f debian/rules.gen binary-arch_i386_none_686
-	    </example>
-	    The target in this command has the general form of
-	    <tt><em>target</em>_<em>arch</em>_<em>featureset</em>_<em>flavour</em></tt>.
-	    Replace the <tt><em>featureset</em></tt> with
-	    <tt>none</tt> if you do not want any of the extra
-	    featuresets.
-	  </p>
-	</sect1>
+            </example>
+            The target in this command has the general form of
+            <tt><em>target</em>_<em>arch</em>_<em>featureset</em>_<em>flavour</em></tt>.
+            Replace the <tt><em>featureset</em></tt> with
+            <tt>none</tt> if you do not want any of the extra
+            featuresets.
+          </p>
+        </sect1>
       <sect id="common-official-vcs">
         <heading>Building a development version of the Debian kernel package</heading>
-	<p>
-	  To build a kernel image based on the kernel team's
-	  unreleased development version:
-	  <taglist>
-	    <tag><tt># apt-get install build-essential fakeroot rsync svn</tt></tag>
-	    <tag><tt># apt-get build-dep linux-2.6</tt></tag>
-	    <item>
-	      The last two commands will install the build
-	      dependencies required by the kernel build process.
-	    </item>
-	    <tag><tt>$ svn co svn://svn.debian.org/svn/kernel/dists/<em>dist</em>/linux-2.6</tt></tag>
-	    <item>
-	      This will check out the Debian packaging.  <em>dist</em>
-	      is normally the distribution codename such as
-	      <tt>lenny</tt> or <tt>sid</tt> (unstable).  For the very
-	      latest version, usually based on an upstream release
-	      candidate, use <tt>trunk</tt>.
-	    </item>
-	    <tag><tt>$ apt-get source -d linux-2.6</tt></tag>
-	    <item>
-	      This will download the <tt>linux-2.6</tt> upstream
-	      source (and the last released Debian patches).
-	      Depending on which version you are trying to build,
-	      you might need to override APT's version selection
-	      or download a tarball from
-	      <url id="http://people.debian.org"
-	      name="people.debian.org"> instead.
-	    </item>
-	    <tag><tt>$ cd linux-2.6</tt></tag>
-	    <tag><tt>$ debian/rules orig</tt></tag>
-	    <item>
-	      This unpacks the upstream source and merges it with
-	      the Debian packaging.
-	    </item>
-	    <tag><tt>$ debian/rules debian/control</tt></tag>
-	    <item>
-	      This generates a Debian package control file based on
-	      the current definitions of the various kernel flavours
-	      which can be built.
-	    </item>
-	    <tag><tt>$ fakeroot debian/rules <em>target</em></tt></tag>
-	    <item>
-	      Finally, build binary packages as explained in
-	      <ref id="common-official">.
-	    </item>
-	  </taglist>
-	</p>
+        <p>
+          To build a kernel image based on the kernel team's
+          unreleased development version:
+          <taglist>
+            <tag><tt># apt-get install build-essential fakeroot rsync svn</tt></tag>
+            <tag><tt># apt-get build-dep linux-2.6</tt></tag>
+            <item>
+              The last two commands will install the build
+              dependencies required by the kernel build process.
+            </item>
+            <tag><tt>$ svn co svn://svn.debian.org/svn/kernel/dists/<em>dist</em>/linux-2.6</tt></tag>
+            <item>
+              This will check out the Debian packaging.  <em>dist</em>
+              is normally the distribution codename such as
+              <tt>lenny</tt> or <tt>sid</tt> (unstable).  For the very
+              latest version, usually based on an upstream release
+              candidate, use <tt>trunk</tt>.
+            </item>
+            <tag><tt>$ apt-get source -d linux-2.6</tt></tag>
+            <item>
+              This will download the <tt>linux-2.6</tt> upstream
+              source (and the last released Debian patches).
+              Depending on which version you are trying to build,
+              you might need to override APT's version selection
+              or download a tarball from
+              <url id="http://people.debian.org"
+              name="people.debian.org"> instead.
+            </item>
+            <tag><tt>$ cd linux-2.6</tt></tag>
+            <tag><tt>$ debian/rules orig</tt></tag>
+            <item>
+              This unpacks the upstream source and merges it with
+              the Debian packaging.
+            </item>
+            <tag><tt>$ debian/rules debian/control</tt></tag>
+            <item>
+              This generates a Debian package control file based on
+              the current definitions of the various kernel flavours
+              which can be built.
+            </item>
+            <tag><tt>$ fakeroot debian/rules <em>target</em></tt></tag>
+            <item>
+              Finally, build binary packages as explained in
+              <ref id="common-official">.
+            </item>
+          </taglist>
+        </p>
       <sect id="gen-orig">
         <heading>Generating orig tarball from newer upstream</heading>
-	<p>
-	  First you must add a changelog entry for the new upstream
-	  version.  If the new version is a release candidate, change
-	  the string <tt>-rc</tt> to <tt>~rc</tt>.  (In Debian package
-	  versions, a suffix beginning with <tt>~</tt> indicates a
-	  pre-release.)
-	</p>
-	<p>
-	  The 'orig' tarball is generated by the <tt>genorig.py</tt>
-	  script.  It takes either a tarball and optional patch from
-	  kernel.org, or a git repository.  If you have a tarball, run
-	  a command such as:
-	  <example>
+        <p>
+          First you must add a changelog entry for the new upstream
+          version.  If the new version is a release candidate, change
+          the string <tt>-rc</tt> to <tt>~rc</tt>.  (In Debian package
+          versions, a suffix beginning with <tt>~</tt> indicates a
+          pre-release.)
+        </p>
+        <p>
+          The 'orig' tarball is generated by the <tt>genorig.py</tt>
+          script.  It takes either a tarball and optional patch from
+          kernel.org, or a git repository.  If you have a tarball, run
+          a command such as:
+          <example>
 $ python debian/bin/genorig.py ../linux-2.6.20.tar.bz2 ../patch-2.6.21-rc6.bz2
-	  </example>
-	</p>
-	<p>
-	  If you have a git repository, pass the name of its
-	  directory:
-	  <example>
+          </example>
+        </p>
+        <p>
+          If you have a git repository, pass the name of its
+          directory:
+          <example>
 $ python debian/bin/genorig.py ~/src/linux-2.6
-	</p>
-	<p>
-	  Either of these will generate a file such as
-	  <tt>../orig/linux-2.6_2.6.21~rc6.orig.tar.gz</tt>.
-	  You can then combine this tarball with the Debian packaging
-	  by running:
-	  <example>
+        </p>
+        <p>
+          Either of these will generate a file such as
+          <tt>../orig/linux-2.6_2.6.21~rc6.orig.tar.gz</tt>.
+          You can then combine this tarball with the Debian packaging
+          by running:
+          <example>
 $ debian/rules orig
-	</p> 
+        </p>
       <sect id="common-building">
         <heading>Building a custom kernel from Debian kernel source</heading>
-	<p>
-	  This section describes the simplest possible procedure to
-	  build a custom kernel the "Debian way". It is assumed that
-	  user is somewhat familiar with kernel configuration and
-	  build process. If that's not the case, it is recommended to
-	  consult the kernel documentation and many excellent online
-	  resources dedicated to it.
+        <p>
+          This section describes the simplest possible procedure to
+          build a custom kernel the "Debian way". It is assumed that
+          user is somewhat familiar with kernel configuration and
+          build process. If that's not the case, it is recommended to
+          consult the kernel documentation and many excellent online
+          resources dedicated to it.
-	<p>
-	  The easiest way to build a custom kernel (the kernel with
-	  the configuration different from the one used in the
-	  official packages) from the Debian kernel source is to use
-	  the <tt>linux-source</tt> package and the <tt>make deb-pkg</tt>
-	  target. First, prepare the kernel tree:
-	  <example>
+        <p>
+          The easiest way to build a custom kernel (the kernel with
+          the configuration different from the one used in the
+          official packages) from the Debian kernel source is to use
+          the <tt>linux-source</tt> package and the <tt>make deb-pkg</tt>
+          target. First, prepare the kernel tree:
+          <example>
 # apt-get install linux-source-2.6.18
 $ tar xjf /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.18.tar.bz2
 $ cd linux-source-2.6.18
-	  The kernel now needs to be configured, that is you have to
-	  set the kernel options and select the drivers which are
-	  going to be included, either as built-in, or as external
-	  modules. The kernel build infrastructure offers a number of
-	  targets, which invoke different configuration frontends. For
-	  example, one can use console-based menu configuration by
-	  invoking the command
-	  <example>
+          The kernel now needs to be configured, that is you have to
+          set the kernel options and select the drivers which are
+          going to be included, either as built-in, or as external
+          modules. The kernel build infrastructure offers a number of
+          targets, which invoke different configuration frontends. For
+          example, one can use console-based menu configuration by
+          invoking the command
+          <example>
 $ make menuconfig
-	  Instead of <tt>menuconfig</tt> one can use <tt>config</tt>
-	  (text-based line-by-line configuration frontend) or
-	  <tt>xconfig</tt> (graphical configuration frontend). It is
-	  also possible to reuse your old configuration file by
-	  placing it as a <tt>.config</tt> file in the top-level
-	  directory and running one of the configuration targets (if
-	  you want to adjust something) or <tt>make oldconfig</tt>
+          Instead of <tt>menuconfig</tt> one can use <tt>config</tt>
+          (text-based line-by-line configuration frontend) or
+          <tt>xconfig</tt> (graphical configuration frontend). It is
+          also possible to reuse your old configuration file by
+          placing it as a <tt>.config</tt> file in the top-level
+          directory and running one of the configuration targets (if
+          you want to adjust something) or <tt>make oldconfig</tt>
           (to keep the same configuration).
-	  Note that different frontends may require different
-	  additional libraries and utilities to be installed to
-	  function properly. For example, the <tt>menuconfig</tt>
-	  frontend requires the <tt>ncurses</tt> library, which at
-	  time of writing is provided by the <tt>libncurses5-dev</tt>
-	  package.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-	  After the configuration process is finished, the new or
-	  updated kernel configuration will be stored in
-	  <tt>.config</tt> file in the top-level directory. The build
-	  is started using the commands
-	  <example>
+          Note that different frontends may require different
+          additional libraries and utilities to be installed to
+          function properly. For example, the <tt>menuconfig</tt>
+          frontend requires the <tt>ncurses</tt> library, which at
+          time of writing is provided by the <tt>libncurses5-dev</tt>
+          package.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+          After the configuration process is finished, the new or
+          updated kernel configuration will be stored in
+          <tt>.config</tt> file in the top-level directory. The build
+          is started using the commands
+          <example>
 $ make clean
 $ make KDEB_PKGVERSION=custom.1.0 deb-pkg
-	  The <tt>custom.1.0</tt> part in this command is the version
-	  identifier, which will get appended to the kernel package
-	  name. Feel free to adjust it to your liking.
-	  As a result of the build a custom kernel package
-	  <tt>linux-image-2.6.18_custom.1.0_i386.deb</tt> (name will
-	  reflect the version of the kernel and the revision chosen in
-	  the command line above) will be created in the directory one
-	  level above the top of the tree. It may be installed using
-	  <tt>dpkg</tt> as any other package:
-	  <example> 
+          The <tt>custom.1.0</tt> part in this command is the version
+          identifier, which will get appended to the kernel package
+          name. Feel free to adjust it to your liking.
+          As a result of the build a custom kernel package
+          <tt>linux-image-2.6.18_custom.1.0_i386.deb</tt> (name will
+          reflect the version of the kernel and the revision chosen in
+          the command line above) will be created in the directory one
+          level above the top of the tree. It may be installed using
+          <tt>dpkg</tt> as any other package:
+          <example> 
 # dpkg -i ../linux-image-2.6.18_custom.1.0_i386.deb
-	  </example>
-	  This command will unpack the kernel, generate the initrd if
-	  necessary (see <ref id="initramfs"> for details), and configure
-	  the bootloader to make the newly installed kernel the
-	  default one. If this command completed without any problems,
-	  you can reboot using the
-	  <example>
+          </example>
+          This command will unpack the kernel, generate the initrd if
+          necessary (see <ref id="initramfs"> for details), and configure
+          the bootloader to make the newly installed kernel the
+          default one. If this command completed without any problems,
+          you can reboot using the
+          <example>
 # shutdown -r now
-	  command to boot the new kernel.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-	  For much more information about
-	  bootloaders and their configuration please check their
-	  documentation, which can be accessed using the commands
-	  <tt>man lilo</tt>, <tt>man
-	  lilo.conf</tt>, <tt>man grub</tt>, and so on. You can also
-	  look for documentation in the
-	  <tt>/usr/share/doc/<em>package</em></tt> directories, with
-	  <tt><em>package</em></tt> being the name of the package
-	  involved.
-	</p>  
+          command to boot the new kernel.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+          For much more information about
+          bootloaders and their configuration please check their
+          documentation, which can be accessed using the commands
+          <tt>man lilo</tt>, <tt>man
+          lilo.conf</tt>, <tt>man grub</tt>, and so on. You can also
+          look for documentation in the
+          <tt>/usr/share/doc/<em>package</em></tt> directories, with
+          <tt><em>package</em></tt> being the name of the package
+          involved.
+        </p>
       <sect id="kernel-org-package">
         <heading>Building a custom kernel from the "pristine" kernel source</heading> 
-	<p>Building a kernel from the "pristine" (also sometimes called "vanilla")
+        <p>Building a kernel from the "pristine" (also sometimes called "vanilla")
            kernel source, distributed from <url id="http://www.kernel.org" name="www.kernel.org">
            and its mirrors, may be occasionally useful for debugging or in the
            situations when a newer kernel version is desired. The procedure
            differs only in obtaining the kernel source: instead of unpacking
            the kernel source from Debian packages, the "pristine" source is
            downloaded using your favourite browser or using wget, as follows: 
-	  <example> 
+          <example>
 $ wget http://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-2.6.19.tar.bz2
-	  </example> 
+          </example>
           The integrity of the downloaded archive may be verified by fetching
           the corresponding cryptographic signature
-	  <example> 
+          <example>
 $ wget http://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-2.6.19.tar.bz2.sign
-	  </example> 
+          </example>
           and running the command (<tt>gnupg</tt> package must be installed):
-$ gpg --verify linux-2.6.19.tar.bz2.sign 
+$ gpg --verify linux-2.6.19.tar.bz2.sign
           Successful verification results in output similar to the one below:
@@ -404,8 +404,8 @@ $ cp /boot/config-2.6.18-3-686 ./.config
       <sect id="common-out-of-tree">
         <heading>Building out-of-tree kernel modules</heading> 
-	<p>
-	  Some kernel modules are not included in the upstream or
+        <p>
+          Some kernel modules are not included in the upstream or
           Debian kernel source, but are provided as third-party source
           packages. For some of the most popular out-of-tree modules,
           the binary Debian packages with modules built against the
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ $ cp /boot/config-2.6.18-3-686 ./.config
           use the squash filesystem, all you need to do is install
           <tt>squashfs-modules-2.6.18-3-686</tt> binary package, which
           provides the neccessary binary kernel modules.
-	</p>
+        </p>
           If you are not so lucky, and there are no binary module

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