[kernel-sec-discuss] Welcome to the kernel-sec project

dann frazier dannf at debian.org
Wed Jul 19 21:09:30 UTC 2006

Welcome to the kernel-sec project (kernel-sec-track was rejected as
too long by the alioth software).

Alioth Project
I've added pitti, zul-guest, micah, jmm and myself to the
project. I didn't have BenC's alioth ID, so he still needs to be
added.  pitti and I are both configured as admins.

Mailing List
I've created this list, kernel-sec-discuss, as a list for both commits
and general discussion. Everyone has been subscribed using their
alioth e-mail address. If you prefer a different address (or prefer to
not be subscribed) you may make this change via the alioth mailing
list interface.

Subversion Repository
I've extracted the patch-tracking content and its history from the
kernel svn repository and created an svn repository. Commit messages
are not yet sent to this list due to a permission problem - I've filed
an alioth support request to repair this.

Getting Started
Please see the 00* files, starting with 00README.

dann frazier

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