[kernel-sec-discuss] r1006 - scripts

dannf at alioth.debian.org dannf at alioth.debian.org
Mon Nov 5 01:52:55 UTC 2007

Author: dannf
Date: 2007-11-05 01:52:55 +0000 (Mon, 05 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 1006

remove deb822 library; its part of the python-debian package now

Deleted: scripts/deb822.py
--- scripts/deb822.py	2007-10-25 13:31:44 UTC (rev 1005)
+++ scripts/deb822.py	2007-11-05 01:52:55 UTC (rev 1006)
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-## Version: 0.20051107
-import re, string
-class deb822:
-    def __init__(self, fp):
-        self.map = {}
-        self.keys = []
-        single = re.compile("^(?P<key>\S+):\s+(?P<data>\S.*)$")
-        multi = re.compile("^(?P<key>\S+):\s*$")
-        multidata = re.compile("^\s(?P<data>.*)$")
-        ws = re.compile("^\s*$")
-        curkey = None
-        content = ""
-        for line in fp.readlines():
-            if ws.match(line):
-                if curkey:
-                    self.map[curkey] = content[:-1]
-                    curkey = None
-                    content = ""
-                continue
-            m = single.match(line)
-            if m:
-                if curkey:
-                    self.map[curkey] = content[:-1]
-                curkey = m.group('key')
-                self.keys.append(curkey)
-                self.map[curkey] = m.group('data')
-                curkey = None
-                content = ""
-                continue
-            m = multi.match(line)
-            if m:
-                if curkey:
-                    self.map[curkey] = content[:-1]
-                curkey = m.group('key')
-                self.keys.append(curkey)
-                content = "\n"
-                continue
-            m = multidata.match(line)
-            if m:
-                content = content + line
-                continue
-        if curkey:
-            self.map[curkey] = content[:-1]
-    def dump(self, fd):
-        for key in self.keys:
-            fd.write(key + ": " + self.map[key] + "\n")
-    def isSingleLine(self, s):
-        if s.count("\n"):
-            return False
-        else:
-            return True
-    def isMultiLine(self, s):
-        return not self.isSingleLine(s)
-    def _mergeFields(self, s1, s2):
-        if not s2:
-            return s1
-        if not s1:
-            return s2
-        if self.isSingleLine(s1) and self.isSingleLine(s2):
-            ## some fields are delimited by a single space, others
-            ## a comma followed by a space.  this heuristic assumes
-            ## that there are multiple items in one of the string fields
-            ## so that we can pick up on the delimiter being used
-            delim = ' '
-            if (s1 + s2).count(', '):
-                delim = ', '
-            L = (s1 + delim + s2).split(delim)
-            L.sort()
-            prev = merged = L[0]
-            for item in L[1:]:
-                ## skip duplicate entries
-                if item == prev:
-                    continue
-                merged = merged + delim + item
-                prev = item
-            return merged
-        if self.isMultiLine(s1) and self.isMultiLine(s2):
-            for item in s2.splitlines(True):
-                if item not in s1.splitlines(True):
-                    s1 = s1 + "\n" + item
-            return s1
-        raise ValueError
-    def mergeFields(self, key, d1, d2 = None):
-        ## this method can work in two ways - abstract that away
-        if d2 == None:
-            x1 = self
-            x2 = d1
-        else:
-            x1 = d1
-            x2 = d2
-        ## we only have to do work if both objects contain our key
-        ## otherwise, we just take the one that does, or raise an
-        ## exception if neither does
-        if key in x1.keys and key in x1.keys:
-            merged = self._mergeFields(x1.map[key], x2.map[key])
-        elif key in x1.keys:
-            merged = x1[key]
-        elif key in x2.keys:
-            merged = x2[key]
-        else:
-            raise KeyError
-        ## back to the two different ways - if this method was called
-        ## upon an object, update that object in place.
-        ## return nothing in this case, to make the author notice a
-        ## problem if she assumes the object itself will not be modified
-        if d2 == None:
-            self.map[key] = merged
-            return None
-        return merged
-    def hasField(self, key):
-        if key in self.keys:
-            return True
-        return False
-    def addField(self, key, value):
-        if key in self.keys:
-            ## key is already there
-            raise KeyError
-        else:
-            self.keys.append(key)
-            self.map[key] = value
-    def __getitem__(self, item):
-        str = ""
-        for line in self.map[item].strip().splitlines():
-            if line == ' .':
-                line = ''
-            if line.startswith(' '):
-                line=line[1:]
-            str += line + '\n'
-        return str
-## methods that changes and dsc files have in common
-class _dscchanges(deb822):
-    """A base class; not intended for direct use"""
-## Specialty class for dealing with .dsc files
-class dsc(_dscchanges):
-    def files(self):
-        fileList = []
-        for fileEntry in self.map["Files"].splitlines():
-            file = {}
-            if fileEntry:
-                fields = fileEntry.split()
-                file["md5sum"] = fields[0]
-                file["size"] = fields[1]
-                file["name"] = fields[2]
-                fileList.append(file)
-        return fileList
-class changes(_dscchanges):
-    def files(self):
-        fileList = []
-        for fileEntry in self.map["Files"].splitlines():
-            file = {}
-            if fileEntry:
-                fields = fileEntry.split()
-                file["md5sum"] = fields[0]
-                file["size"] = fields[1]
-                file["section"] = fields[2]
-                file["priority"] = fields[3]
-                file["name"] = fields[4]
-                fileList.append(file)
-        return fileList

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