[kernel-sec-discuss] r957 - active scripts

keescook-guest at alioth.debian.org keescook-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sat Sep 22 00:56:30 UTC 2007

Author: keescook-guest
Date: 2007-09-22 00:56:30 +0000 (Sat, 22 Sep 2007)
New Revision: 957

script logic updates

Modified: active/CVE-2007-4573
--- active/CVE-2007-4573	2007-09-21 20:28:45 UTC (rev 956)
+++ active/CVE-2007-4573	2007-09-22 00:56:30 UTC (rev 957)
@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@
+2.6.15-dapper-security: needed
+2.6.17-edgy-security: needed
+2.6.20-feisty-security: needed

Modified: scripts/ubuntu-table
--- scripts/ubuntu-table	2007-09-21 20:28:45 UTC (rev 956)
+++ scripts/ubuntu-table	2007-09-22 00:56:30 UTC (rev 957)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-import os, re
+import os, re, sys
 releases = ['2.6.15-dapper-security', '2.6.17-edgy-security', '2.6.20-feisty-security']
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
             state = status.group(1)
             if state == '':
                 state = 'needs triage'
+            if state == 'ignore':
+                state = 'ignored'
             table[cve][rel] = state
 format = '%15s'
@@ -24,21 +26,21 @@
 for cve in cves:
-    nodisplay = 1
-    ignored = 1
     needed = 0
     released = 0
+    action_required = 0
     for rel in releases:
-        if table[cve][rel] != 'N/A' and table[cve][rel] != 'released' and table[cve][rel] != '-unlisted-':
-            nodisplay = 0
-        if table[cve][rel] != 'ignored':
-            ignored = 0
-        if table[cve][rel] == 'needed' or table[cve][rel] == 'deferred':
+        if not table[cve][rel] in ('N/A', 'ignored', '-unlisted-', 'needs triage', 'needed', 'deferred', 'pending', 'released'):
+            print 'Unknown state: %s' % (table[cve][rel])
+            sys.exit(1)
+        if table[cve][rel] in ('needed','deferred'):
             needed = 1
-        if table[cve][rel] == 'released':
+        if table[cve][rel] in ('released'):
             released = 1
+        if table[cve][rel] in ('needed','pending','deferred','needs triage'):
+            action_required = 1
-    if not nodisplay and not ignored:
+    if action_required:
         print '%s: ' % cve, 
         for rel in releases:
             print format % table[cve][rel],

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