[kernel-sec-discuss] r5326 - scripts

Salvatore Bonaccorso carnil at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed May 31 18:42:37 UTC 2017

Author: carnil
Date: 2017-05-31 18:42:37 +0000 (Wed, 31 May 2017)
New Revision: 5326

There were CVEs assigned now with 7 digits in second part after year

Increase the padding and leave one extra space left.

Modified: scripts/filter-active.py
--- scripts/filter-active.py	2017-05-31 15:40:00 UTC (rev 5325)
+++ scripts/filter-active.py	2017-05-31 18:42:37 UTC (rev 5326)
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
             return True
     return False
-# Pad last part of CVE ID to 6 digits so string comparison keeps working
+# Pad last part of CVE ID to 8 digits so string comparison keeps working
 def pad_cve_id(cve_id):
-    return re.sub(r'-(\d+)$', lambda m: '-%06d' % int(m.group(1)), cve_id)
+    return re.sub(r'-(\d+)$', lambda m: '-%08d' % int(m.group(1)), cve_id)
 def get_issues(dir):
     issues = []
@@ -146,13 +146,13 @@
         min_width = 20
         max_width = 20
-        sys.stdout.write("                ")
+        sys.stdout.write("                  ")
         for release in options.release:
             sys.stdout.write(" %-20.20s " % release)
     for i in issues:
-        sys.stdout.write("%15s:" % i.name)
+        sys.stdout.write("%17s:" % i.name)
         for release in options.release:
             status = i.status(release) or "unknown"
             status_short = status.split(' ')[0]

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