r2095 - in trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8: . debian

Sven Luther luther@haydn.debian.org
Wed, 29 Dec 2004 03:50:36 -0700

Author: luther
Date: 2004-12-29 03:47:24 -0700 (Wed, 29 Dec 2004)
New Revision: 2095

Removed kernel-patch-powerpc binary package.
Preparing changelog entry for upload.

Deleted: trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/apply.m4
--- trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/apply.m4	2004-12-29 08:26:43 UTC (rev 2094)
+++ trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/apply.m4	2004-12-29 10:47:24 UTC (rev 2095)
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# common apply/unpatch script for the Debian PowerPC patch
-if ! test -d Documentation -a -d kernel; then
-    echo >&2 "This does not look like a kernel top level directory, exiting."
-    exit 1
-patch="patch -s -l -p1"
-if test "$1" = "unpatch"; then
-    patch="$patch -R"
-    doing="Backing out"
-    doing="Applying"
-# list the patch parts and loop over them
-for file in $($dir/list $dir $1); do
-    name=${file%.diff}
-    # test the patch part first.
-    echo >&2 "Checking PowerPC patch part $name for $version..."
-    if bzcat $dir/$file.bz2 | $patch --force --dry-run > /dev/null; then
-	# if the test succeeds, apply the patch. After the test above,
-	# it should apply cleanly, or something went wrong.
-	echo >&2 "$doing PowerPC patch part $name for $version..."
-	if ! bzcat $dir/$file.bz2 | $patch; then
-	    echo >&2 "Something went horribly wrong, PowerPC patch part $name for $version failed."
-	    exit 1
-	fi
-    else
-	# if the test fails, try to determine what is happening and
-	# act accordingly.
-	echo -n >&2 "Skipping PowerPC patch part $name for $version, "
-	if test "$1" != "unpatch" -a -f debian/APPLIED_${file%.diff}; then
-	    echo >&2 "it looks like it has already been applied."
-	elif test "$1" = "unpatch" -a ! -f debian/APPLIED_${file%.diff}; then
-	    echo >&2 "it looks like it has already been backed out."
-	else
-	    echo >&2 "it does not apply cleanly."
-	    exit 1
-	fi
-    fi
-    # set or clear the mark.
-    if test "$1" = "unpatch"; then
-	rm -f debian/APPLIED_$name
-	rmdir debian 2> /dev/null || true
-    else
-	test -d debian || mkdir debian
-	echo "PATCHFILE=$dir/$file.bz2" > debian/APPLIED_$name
-    fi

Modified: trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/changelog
--- trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/changelog	2004-12-29 08:26:43 UTC (rev 2094)
+++ trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/changelog	2004-12-29 10:47:24 UTC (rev 2095)
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
-kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8 (2.6.8-8) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8 (2.6.8-8) unstable; urgency=high
   * Moved remaining powerpc patches (pegasos-via-ide and legacy-serial)
     to the common kernel-source package. (Sven Luther)
   * Rebuilt against kernel-source-2.6.8-11. (Sven Luther)
- -- Sven Luther <luther@debian.org>  Sun, 26 Dec 2004 13:02:57 +0100
+  * Removed kernel-patch-powerpc package, since all the powerpc patches are
+    now part of kernel-source. Next version of kernel-source-2.6.8 should have
+    a conflict/replace/provides, but for now please remove it by hand.
+ -- Sven Luther <luther@debian.org>  Wed, 29 Dec 2004 11:42:34 +0100
 kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8 (2.6.8-7) unstable; urgency=high
   * Rebuilt against kernel-source 2.6.8-10.

Modified: trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/control
--- trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/control	2004-12-29 08:26:43 UTC (rev 2094)
+++ trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/control	2004-12-29 10:47:24 UTC (rev 2095)
@@ -6,16 +6,6 @@
 Uploaders: Jens Schmalzing <jensen@debian.org>, Sven Luther <luther@debian.org>
 Standards-Version: 3.6.1
-Package: kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8
-Architecture: all
-Suggests: kernel-tree-2.6.8
-Description: improved PowerPC support for the Linux kernel
- .
- This package collects a number of patches that improve the Linux
- kernel's support for the PowerPC architecture in general.  It is
- mainly used to build the official Debian kernel packages, but you
- can also use it as a starting point for custom-built kernels.
 Package: kernel-headers-2.6.8
 Architecture: powerpc
 Description: header files for the Linux kernel version 2.6.8

Deleted: trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/dirs.m4
--- trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/dirs.m4	2004-12-29 08:26:43 UTC (rev 2094)
+++ trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/dirs.m4	2004-12-29 10:47:24 UTC (rev 2095)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

Deleted: trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/list
--- trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/list	2004-12-29 08:26:43 UTC (rev 2094)
+++ trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/list	2004-12-29 10:47:24 UTC (rev 2095)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# list the patch files in the correct order
-if test "$2" = "unpatch"; then
-    options="-r"
-    options=""
-cd $1; ls -1 $options *.diff* | sed 's/\.bz2//'

Modified: trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/rules
--- trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/rules	2004-12-29 08:26:43 UTC (rev 2094)
+++ trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/rules	2004-12-29 10:47:24 UTC (rev 2095)
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
 KHEADERS = $(TMP)/kernel-headers-$(kernel)_$(version)_powerpc.deb
 # install locations
-KPATCH    = $(CURDIR)/debian/kernel-patch-powerpc-$(kernel)/usr/src/kernel-patches/powerpc/$(kernel)
 KBUILD    = $(CURDIR)/debian/kernel-build-$(kernel)-$(flavour)
 KBUILDDOC = $(KBUILD)/usr/share/doc/kernel-build-$(kernel)-$(flavour)
 KSRC      = $(KBUILD)/usr/src/kernel-build-$(kernel)-$(flavour)
@@ -54,8 +53,8 @@
 export KPKG_SUBARCH=pmac
 # the configure target is responsible for setting up the build arena,
-# i.e. unpacking the Debian kernel source, applying the PowerPC patch,
-# and preparing a separate build tree for each flavour.
+# i.e. unpacking the Debian kernel source and preparing a separate
+# build tree for each flavour.
 configure: stamp-configure
@@ -75,15 +74,15 @@
 	touch $@
-# unpack the Debian kernel source, apply the PowerPC patch, add a
-# default .config file and the necessary Debian files (changelog,
-# control, copyright, post-install, and official)
+# unpack the Debian kernel source, add a default .config file and the
+# necessary Debian files (changelog, control, copyright, post-install,
+# and official)
 	test -d $(dir $(KSOURCE)) || mkdir -p $(dir $(KSOURCE))
 	tar jxCf $(dir $(KSOURCE)) /usr/src/kernel-source-$(kernel).tar.bz2
-	cd $(KSOURCE); /usr/src/kernel-patches/all/$(kernel)/apply/debian
-	for file in $(shell debian/list patches); do patch -d $(KSOURCE) -p1 < patches/$$file; done
+	#cd $(KSOURCE); /usr/src/kernel-patches/all/$(kernel)/apply/debian
+	#for file in $(shell debian/list patches); do patch -d $(KSOURCE) -p1 < patches/$$file; done
 	-$(MAKE) -s -C config default > $(KSOURCE)/.config
@@ -168,15 +167,14 @@
 # and modules to the right kernel-image and kernel-modules packages.
 # The main work is done through the kernel-image target of make-kpkg.
 # The resulting intermediate package is immediately unpacked again and
-# its contents re-arranged slightly.  The whole process results in one
-# kernel-image directory per flavour.  Also, the install target puts
-# together the patch package itself and the build infrastructure for
-# modules.
+# its contents re-arranged slightly. The whole process results in one
+# kernel-image directory per flavour. Also, the install target puts
+# together the build infrastructure for modules.
 install: stamp-install
 stamp-install: \
-stamp-build stamp-install-patch
 	$(MAKE) -f debian/rules $(PARALLEL_BUILD) $(foreach flavour,$(flavours),stamp-install-flavour-$(flavour))
 	touch $@
@@ -188,18 +186,6 @@
 	touch $@
-# install the patch itself and the accompanying scripts
-stamp-install-patch: stamp-install-prepare debian/dirs debian/apply
-	dh_installdirs
-	$(INSTALL_EXEC) debian/apply $(KPATCH)/apply/powerpc
-	$(INSTALL_EXEC) debian/unpatch $(KPATCH)/unpatch/powerpc
-	$(INSTALL_EXEC) debian/list $(KPATCH)/patches
-	$(INSTALL_DATA) patches/* $(KPATCH)/patches
-	bzip2 $(KPATCH)/patches/*.diff
-	touch $@
 ifeq (0,$(MAKELEVEL))
@@ -255,14 +241,12 @@
 ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),powerpc)
 binary: \
-binary-kernel-patch-powerpc-$(kernel) \
 binary-kernel-headers-$(kernel) \
 $(foreach flavour,$(flavours),binary-flavour-$(flavour))
 binary: binary-arch binary-indep
-binary-indep: \
 ifeq (0,$(MAKELEVEL))
@@ -324,8 +308,6 @@
-binary-kernel-patch-%: stamp-install-patch
-	$(MAKE) -f debian/rules binary-package DH_OPTIONS=-pkernel-patch-$*
 binary-kernel-%: stamp-install-flavour-$(flavour)
 	$(MAKE) -f debian/rules binary-package DH_OPTIONS=-pkernel-$*
 binary-package: binary-common-package

Deleted: trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/unpatch
--- trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/unpatch	2004-12-29 08:26:43 UTC (rev 2094)
+++ trunk/kernel/powerpc/kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.8-2.6.8/debian/unpatch	2004-12-29 10:47:24 UTC (rev 2095)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-home=$(dirname $(dirname $0))
-$home/apply/powerpc unpatch