r3733 - in trunk/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian: . templates

Sven Luther luther at costa.debian.org
Mon Aug 8 06:59:21 UTC 2005

Author: luther
Date: 2005-08-08 06:59:19 +0000 (Mon, 08 Aug 2005)
New Revision: 3733

Added flavours list in common header package.
Cleaned up changelog entry waldi had left un-nice :)

Modified: trunk/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/Makefile
--- trunk/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/Makefile	2005-08-08 06:05:39 UTC (rev 3732)
+++ trunk/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/Makefile	2005-08-08 06:59:19 UTC (rev 3733)
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
 header-install-$(subarch): templates/header-install.in
 	sed -e 's, at kbpkg@,$(kbpkg),g'				\
 	    -e 's, at ksource_dir@,$(CURDIR)/$(kdir),g'		\
+	    -e 's, at flavours@,$(flavours),g'			\
 	    -e 's, at headers_dirs@,$(headers_dirs),g'		\
             templates/header-install.in > header-install-$(subarch)
 	chmod u+x header-install-$(subarch)

Modified: trunk/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/changelog
--- trunk/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/changelog	2005-08-08 06:05:39 UTC (rev 3732)
+++ trunk/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/changelog	2005-08-08 06:59:19 UTC (rev 3733)
@@ -44,16 +44,18 @@
   * Enable CONFIG_6PACK=m for all archs (Andres Salomon)
     (closes: #319646)
-  * [powerpc] Fixed minor problems with the powerpc image :
-    - typo made the ams-ppc and asm-ppc64 headers not being included.
   * Overhaul the generation of the control file. Now it is handled
     by debian/bin/gencontrol.py. The debian/control target in rules
     also fails now, since we don't want the control file generated
     during build. Arch-specific Depends and suggests are now generated
     correctly. (Bastian Blank) (Closes: #319896)
- -- Sven Luther <luther at debian.org>  Sun,  7 Aug 2005 09:12:51 +0200
+  * [powerpc] Fixed typo which made asm-ppc and asm-ppc64 not being included
+    in the header package. (Sven Luther) (Closes: #320817)
+  * Added list of flavours built to common header package. (Sven Luther)
+ -- Sven Luther <luther at debian.org>  Mon,  8 Aug 2005 08:54:03 +0200
 linux-2.6 (2.6.12-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: trunk/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/templates/header-install.in
--- trunk/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/templates/header-install.in	2005-08-08 06:05:39 UTC (rev 3732)
+++ trunk/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/templates/header-install.in	2005-08-08 06:59:19 UTC (rev 3733)
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
 # archs do some *very* strange things...
 rm -rf scripts
+# Let's add the flavours that are built for a given arch.
+# XXX: will probably need rethinking once the common headers are Arch: all.
+echo @flavours@ >flavours
 # XXX: once we're using a linux-headers-$(version)-$(debnum) that's Arch: all,
 # we'll want to drop this bit of code.  The asm-* directories should remain.
@@ -26,3 +30,4 @@
 ${remove:+rm -r $remove}

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