r3752 - in people/waldi/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian: . bin

Bastian Blank waldi at costa.debian.org
Mon Aug 8 18:13:28 UTC 2005

Author: waldi
Date: 2005-08-08 18:13:27 +0000 (Mon, 08 Aug 2005)
New Revision: 3752

Use generated rules for binary target.

* debian/Makefile: Updates.
* debian/bin/gencontrol.py: Generate binary rules.

Modified: people/waldi/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/Makefile
--- people/waldi/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/Makefile	2005-08-08 18:12:17 UTC (rev 3751)
+++ people/waldi/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/Makefile	2005-08-08 18:13:27 UTC (rev 3752)
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 # in Makefile.inc. @flavour@ in the expressions is going to be
 # replaced by the flavour for which the command is run. 
-kpkg_headers_cmd := HEADER_CLEAN_HOOK='$(CURDIR)/header-install-$(subarch)'
+kpkg_headers_cmd := HEADER_CLEAN_HOOK='$(CURDIR)/header-install-$(SUBARCH)'
 kpkg_headers_cmd += make-kpkg --append-to-version $(append)$(DEBNUM)
 kpkg_headers_cmd += --stem linux --config defconfig
 kpkg_build_cmd := make-kpkg --append-to-version $(DEBNUM)-$(FLAVOUR)
@@ -80,14 +80,6 @@
   export_makeflags :=
-# Note that next variable (kpkg_image_pre) is not going to be evaluated
-# immediately. When referenced, the variable $* will have the current
-# flavour for which the command is executed. So if this flavour will
-# happen to be in the image_prefix_flavours list, the call to make-kpkg
-# will be prepended with contents if image_prefix.
-kpkg_image_pre = $(if $(filter $*,$(image_prefix_flavours)),$(image_prefix))
 kpkg_image_cmd := $(kpkg_build_cmd) --initrd kernel_image
 kpkg_build_cmd += build
 kpkg_headers_cmd += kernel-headers
@@ -95,53 +87,39 @@
   headers_dirs = $(karch)
 ccommon = arch/config arch/$(karch)/config arch/$(karch)/$(subarch)/config
-# Here we build lists of directories and stamps which we will depend on.
-# For each class of such targets there is a pattern rule which will catch
-# it and do the right thing.
-bdirs   := $(addprefix build-$(subarch)-, $(flavours))
-bstamps := $(addprefix build-stamp-$(subarch)-, $(flavours))
-istamps := $(addprefix install-stamp-$(subarch)-, $(flavours))
 # Targets
 unpack: unpack-stamp-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR)
-unpack-stamp-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR): build-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR)
-	touch $@
 build: build-stamp-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR)
-binary-indep: build
-binary-arch: build headers-stamp $(istamps)
-	mv *.deb ../..
+binary: install-headers-stamp-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH) install-stamp-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR)
-install-stamp-$(subarch)-%: build-$(subarch)-% build-stamp-$(subarch)-%
-	cp -al $< install-$*;
-	cd install-$*; 		\
-	$(export_makeflags); 	\
-	$(strip $(kpkg_image_pre) $(kpkg_image_cmd))
-	cat install-$*/debian/files >> files;
-	rm -rf install-$*;
-	touch install-stamp-$(subarch)-$*
+install-stamp-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR): DIR=install-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR)
+install-stamp-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR): build-stamp-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR)
+	rm -rf $(DIR)
+	cp -al build-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR) $(DIR);
+	cd $(DIR); $(export_makeflags) env -i $(kpkg_image_cmd)
+	cat $(DIR)/debian/files >> files
+	@for i in $$(awk '{ print $$1; }' $(DIR)/debian/files); do echo mv $$i ../..; mv $$i ../..; done
+	rm -rf $(DIR)
+	touch $@
-headers-stamp: $(kdir)
-	# The headers config is now automatically generated via the kernel's
-	# defconfig target.  Woo!
-	cd $(kdir); $(kpkg_headers_cmd)
+install-headers-stamp-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH): $(kdir) header-install-$(SUBARCH)
+	cd $(kdir); env -i PATH=$(PATH) $(kpkg_headers_cmd)
+	@for i in $$(awk '{ print $$1; }' $(DIR)/debian/files); do echo mv $$i ../..; mv $$i ../..; done
 	cat $(kdir)/debian/files >> files
-	touch headers-stamp
+	touch $@
-binary:	binary-indep binary-arch
-header-install-$(subarch): templates/header-install.in
+header-install-$(SUBARCH): templates/header-install.in
 	sed -e 's, at kbpkg@,$(kbpkg),g'				\
 	    -e 's, at ksource_dir@,$(CURDIR)/$(kdir),g'		\
 	    -e 's, at flavours@,$(flavours),g'			\
 	    -e 's, at headers_dirs@,$(headers_dirs),g'		\
-            templates/header-install.in > header-install-$(subarch)
-	chmod u+x header-install-$(subarch)
+            templates/header-install.in > header-install-$(SUBARCH)
+	chmod u+x header-install-$(SUBARCH)
 # The way to make the correct package names is to make a
 # subarch-specific post-install script...
@@ -215,8 +193,9 @@
 # then be picked up and included into the linux-headers package
 # by the headers-install script.
-build-stamp-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR): build-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR) bin/touch.orig
-	cd $<;							\
+build-stamp-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR): DIR=build-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR)
+build-stamp-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR): unpack-stamp-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR) bin/touch.orig
+	cd $(DIR);						\
 	env -i PATH=$(CURDIR)/bin:$(PATH) $(export_makeflags)	\
 	$(kpkg_build_cmd);					\
 	$(if $(image_postproc),$(image_postproc),true);		\
@@ -231,11 +210,12 @@
 # Creates a build directory for a particular flavour
-build-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR): config.$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR) $(kdir)
-	rm -rf $@-tmp
-	cp -al $(kdir) $@-tmp
-	cp $< $@-tmp/.config
-	mv $@-tmp $@
+unpack-stamp-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR): DIR=build-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR)
+unpack-stamp-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR): config.$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR) $(kdir)
+	rm -rf $(DIR)
+	cp -al $(kdir) $(DIR)
+	cp $< $(DIR)/.config
+	touch $@

Modified: people/waldi/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/bin/gencontrol.py
--- people/waldi/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/bin/gencontrol.py	2005-08-08 18:12:17 UTC (rev 3751)
+++ people/waldi/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/bin/gencontrol.py	2005-08-08 18:13:27 UTC (rev 3752)
@@ -376,6 +376,7 @@
                     makefile.append(("%s-%s-%s-%s:: %s-%s-%s-%s-real" % (i, arch, subarch_text, flavour, i, arch, subarch_text, flavour), None))
                 cmd_args = "ARCH='%s' SUBARCH='%s' FLAVOUR='%s' VERSION='%s' DEBNUM='-%s'" % (arch, subarch_text, flavour, version, flavour_vars['abiname'])
                 cmds_binary = []
+                cmds_binary.append(("$(MAKE) -C debian binary %s" % cmd_args,))
                 cmds_binary.append(("$(MAKE) -f debian/Makefile binary-dummy PACKAGES_ARG='%s'" % ' '.join(["-p%s" % i['Package'] for i in dummy_packages]),))
                 cmds_build = []
                 cmds_build.append(("$(MAKE) -C debian build %s" % cmd_args,))

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