r3833 - in people/waldi/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian: . bin

Bastian Blank waldi at costa.debian.org
Wed Aug 10 20:30:49 UTC 2005

Author: waldi
Date: 2005-08-10 20:30:48 +0000 (Wed, 10 Aug 2005)
New Revision: 3833

* debian/bin/gencontrol.py: Remove dash from ABINAME.
* debian/rules.real
  - Use abiname without dash.
  - Install patches with correct permissions.

Modified: people/waldi/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/bin/gencontrol.py
--- people/waldi/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/bin/gencontrol.py	2005-08-10 18:57:51 UTC (rev 3832)
+++ people/waldi/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/bin/gencontrol.py	2005-08-10 20:30:48 UTC (rev 3833)
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
             for i in ('binary-arch', 'setup'):
                 makefile.append(("%s-%s-%s:: %s-%s-%s-real" % (i, arch, subarch_text, i, arch, subarch_text), None))
-            subarch_makeflags = arch_makeflags + " SUBARCH='%s' ABINAME='-%s'" % (subarch_text, subarch_vars['abiname'])
+            subarch_makeflags = arch_makeflags + " SUBARCH='%s' ABINAME='%s'" % (subarch_text, subarch_vars['abiname'])
             cmds_binary_arch = []
             cmds_binary_arch.append(("$(MAKE) -f debian/rules.real binary-arch-subarch %s" % subarch_makeflags,))
             cmds_setup = []

Modified: people/waldi/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/rules.real
--- people/waldi/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/rules.real	2005-08-10 18:57:51 UTC (rev 3832)
+++ people/waldi/kernel/source/linux-2.6/debian/rules.real	2005-08-10 20:30:48 UTC (rev 3833)
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@
 # replaced by the flavour for which the command is run. 
 kpkg_header := HEADER_CLEAN_HOOK='$(CURDIR)/$(BUILD_DIR)/header-install-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)'
-kpkg_header += make-kpkg --append-to-version $(append)$(ABINAME)
+kpkg_header += make-kpkg --append-to-version $(append)-$(ABINAME)
 kpkg_header += --arch $(ARCH)
 kpkg_header += --stem linux
 kpkg_header += --config defconfig
-kpkg_image := make-kpkg --append-to-version $(ABINAME)-$(FLAVOUR)
+kpkg_image := make-kpkg --append-to-version -$(ABINAME)-$(FLAVOUR)
 kpkg_image += --arch $(ARCH)
 kpkg_image += --stem linux
 kpkg_image += --initrd
@@ -262,25 +262,22 @@
 	@for i in $$(awk '{ print $$1; }' $(DIR)/debian/files); do echo mv $(BUILD_DIR)/$$i ..; mv $(BUILD_DIR)/$$i ..; done
 	rm -rf $(DIR)
-install-patch: ppkg  := linux-patch-debian-$(VERSION)
+install-patch: PACKAGE = linux-patch-debian-$(VERSION)
 install-patch: pbase := /usr/src/kernel-patches/all/$(VERSION)
-install-patch: pfull := debian/$(ppkg)$(pbase)
-install-patch: pdirs := $(pbase) $(pbase)/apply $(pbase)/debian $(pbase)/unpatch
+install-patch: pfull := debian/$(PACKAGE)$(pbase)
 install-patch: ptchs := $(notdir $(wildcard debian/patches-arch/*))
-install-patch: kptch := debian/$(ppkg).kpatches.arch
-install-patch: pcdir := debian/patches-arch
-install-patch: DH_OPTIONS = -plinux-patch-debian-$(VERSION)
+install-patch: DH_OPTIONS = -p$(PACKAGE)
 	dh_clean -d -k $(DH_OPTIONS)
-	dh_installdirs $(DH_OPTIONS) $(pdirs)
+	dh_installdirs $(DH_OPTIONS) $(pbase)/apply $(pbase)/debian $(pbase)/unpatch
 	dh_install $(DH_OPTIONS) debian/patches-debian/* $(pbase)/debian
 #	Install the debian patches
 	sed 's/@version@/$(release)/g' debian/bin/apply > $(pfull)/apply/debian
 	sed 's/@upstream@/$(version)/g' debian/bin/unpatch > $(pfull)/unpatch/debian
-	chmod a+x $(pfull)/apply/debian $(pfull)/unpatch/debian
-	chmod -x $(pfull)/debian/*.patch
+	chmod 755 $(pfull)/apply/debian $(pfull)/unpatch/debian
+	chmod 644 $(pfull)/debian/*.patch
 	bzip2 -9 $(pfull)/debian/*.patch
 #	Now the arch/subarch-specific patches
 	for i in $(ptchs); do \
@@ -290,11 +287,11 @@
 	    echo "Patch-id: $${arch}_$(subst .,_,$(VERSION))"; \
 	    echo "Path-strip-level: 1"; \
 	    echo; \
-	    echo "Patch-file: $(pcdir)/$${i}"; \
+	    echo "Patch-file: debian/patches-arch/$${i}"; \
 	    echo "Architecture: $${arch}"; \
 	    echo "Kernel-version: $(VERSION)"; \
 	    echo; \
-	  ) > $(kptch); \
+	  ) > debian/$(PACKAGE).kpatches.arch; \
 	  dh_installkpatches $(DH_OPTIONS); \
 	dh_installdocs $(DH_OPTIONS)

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