r4204 - in people/waldi/linux-2.6/debian: . templates

Bastian Blank waldi at costa.debian.org
Wed Sep 14 19:43:29 UTC 2005

Author: waldi
Date: 2005-09-14 19:43:27 +0000 (Wed, 14 Sep 2005)
New Revision: 4204

* debian/rules.real: Update header-install substitution.
* debian/templates/header-install.in: Remove flavours file.

Modified: people/waldi/linux-2.6/debian/rules.real
--- people/waldi/linux-2.6/debian/rules.real	2005-09-14 18:57:40 UTC (rev 4203)
+++ people/waldi/linux-2.6/debian/rules.real	2005-09-14 19:43:27 UTC (rev 4204)
@@ -82,11 +82,7 @@
 setup-flavour: $(STAMPS_DIR)/setup-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH)-$(FLAVOUR)
 $(BUILD_DIR)/header-install-$(ARCH)-$(SUBARCH): $(TEMPLATES_DIR)/header-install.in
-	sed -e 's, at kbpkg@,$(kbpkg),g'				\
-	    -e 's, at ksource_dir@,$(CURDIR)/$(kdir),g'		\
-	    -e 's, at flavours@,$(flavours),g'			\
-	    -e 's, at headers_dirs@,$(headers_dirs),g'		\
-            $< > $@
+	sed -e 's, at headers_dirs@,$(headers_dirs),g' $< > $@
 	chmod u+x $@
 # The way to make the correct package names is to make a

Modified: people/waldi/linux-2.6/debian/templates/header-install.in
--- people/waldi/linux-2.6/debian/templates/header-install.in	2005-09-14 18:57:40 UTC (rev 4203)
+++ people/waldi/linux-2.6/debian/templates/header-install.in	2005-09-14 19:43:27 UTC (rev 4204)
@@ -11,10 +11,6 @@
 # archs do some *very* strange things...
 rm -rf scripts
-# Let's add the flavours that are built for a given arch.
-# XXX: will probably need rethinking once the common headers are Arch: all.
-echo @flavours@ >flavours
 # XXX: once we're using a linux-headers-$(version)-$(debnum) that's Arch: all,
 # we'll want to drop this bit of code.  The asm-* directories should remain.

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