[kernel] r6302 - in people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src: . mod

Bastian Blank waldi at costa.debian.org
Tue Mar 28 10:07:33 UTC 2006

Author: waldi
Date: Tue Mar 28 10:07:31 2006
New Revision: 6302

* src: New directory.
* src/mod: Add own modpost sources.

Added: people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/elf.cpp
--- (empty file)
+++ people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/elf.cpp	Tue Mar 28 10:07:31 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+ * elf.cpp
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Bastian Blank <waldi at debian.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "elf.hpp"
+#include "endian.hpp"
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <elf.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+using namespace Elf;
+  template <typename _class>
+    struct _elfdef
+    { };
+  template <>
+    struct _elfdef<file_class_32>
+    {
+      typedef Elf32_Ehdr Ehdr;
+      typedef Elf32_Shdr Shdr;
+      typedef Elf32_Sym Sym;
+      static inline uint8_t st_bind (uint8_t st_info) throw () { return ELF32_ST_BIND (st_info); }
+      static inline uint8_t st_type (uint8_t st_info) throw () { return ELF32_ST_TYPE (st_info); }
+    };
+  template <>
+    struct _elfdef<file_class_64>
+    {
+      typedef Elf64_Ehdr Ehdr;
+      typedef Elf64_Shdr Shdr;
+      typedef Elf64_Sym Sym;
+      static inline uint8_t st_bind (uint8_t st_info) throw () { return ELF64_ST_BIND (st_info); }
+      static inline uint8_t st_type (uint8_t st_info) throw () { return ELF64_ST_TYPE (st_info); }
+    };
+file::file (const char *filename, void *mem, size_t len) throw (std::bad_alloc)
+: filename (std::string (filename)), mem (mem), len (len)
+{ }
+file::~file () throw ()
+  ::munmap (mem, len);
+  for (std::vector<section *>::iterator it = sections.begin (); it != sections.end (); ++it)
+    delete *it;
+file *file::open (const char *filename) throw (std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error)
+  struct stat buf;
+  int fd;
+  void *mem;
+  size_t len;
+  if ((fd = ::open (filename, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
+    throw std::runtime_error ("mapping failed");
+  try
+  {
+    if (::fstat (fd, &buf) == -1)
+      throw std::runtime_error ("mapping failed");
+    len = buf.st_size;
+    if ((mem = ::mmap (0, len, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0)) == MAP_FAILED)
+      throw std::runtime_error ("mapping failed");
+    const uint8_t *buf = static_cast <uint8_t *> (mem);
+    switch (buf[EI_CLASS])
+    {
+      case ELFCLASS32:
+        return open_class<file_class_32> (filename, buf, mem, len);
+      case ELFCLASS64:
+        return open_class<file_class_64> (filename, buf, mem, len);
+      default:
+        throw std::runtime_error ("Invalid file class");
+    }
+  }
+  catch (...)
+  {
+    ::close (fd);
+    throw;
+  }
+template<typename _class>
+file *file::open_class (const char *filename, const uint8_t *buf, void * mem, size_t len) throw (std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error)
+  switch (buf[EI_DATA])
+  {
+    case ELFDATA2LSB:
+      return new file_data<_class, file_data_2LSB> (filename, mem, len);
+    case ELFDATA2MSB:
+      return new file_data<_class, file_data_2MSB> (filename, mem, len);
+    default:
+      throw std::runtime_error ("Invalid file data");
+  }
+template <typename _class, typename _data>
+file_data<_class, _data>::file_data (const char *filename) throw (std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error)
+: file (filename)
+  construct ();
+template <typename _class, typename _data>
+file_data<_class, _data>::file_data (const char *filename, void *mem, size_t len) throw (std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error)
+: file (filename, mem, len)
+  construct ();
+template <typename _class, typename _data>
+void file_data<_class, _data>::construct () throw (std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error)
+  uint8_t *buf = static_cast <uint8_t *> (this->mem);
+  if (buf[EI_CLASS] != _class::id)
+    throw std::runtime_error ("Wrong file class");
+  if (buf[EI_DATA] != _data::id)
+    throw std::runtime_error ("Wrong data encoding");
+  typedef typename _elfdef<_class>::Ehdr Ehdr;
+  Ehdr *ehdr = static_cast <Ehdr *> (this->mem);
+  this->type     = convert<_data, typeof (ehdr->e_type    )> () (ehdr->e_type    );
+  this->machine  = convert<_data, typeof (ehdr->e_machine )> () (ehdr->e_machine );
+  this->shoff    = convert<_data, typeof (ehdr->e_shoff   )> () (ehdr->e_shoff   );
+  this->shnum    = convert<_data, typeof (ehdr->e_shnum   )> () (ehdr->e_shnum   );
+  this->shstrndx = convert<_data, typeof (ehdr->e_shstrndx)> () (ehdr->e_shstrndx);
+  typedef typename _elfdef<_class>::Shdr Shdr;
+  Shdr *shdrs = static_cast <Shdr *> (static_cast <void *> (static_cast <char *> (this->mem) + this->shoff));
+  this->sections.reserve (this->shnum);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->shnum; i++)
+  {
+    section *temp;
+    switch (convert<_data, typeof (shdrs[i].sh_type)> () (shdrs[i].sh_type))
+    {
+      case section_type_SYMTAB::id:
+        temp = new section_real<_class, _data, section_type_SYMTAB> (&shdrs[i], this->mem);
+        break;
+      default:
+        temp = new section_real<_class, _data, section_type_UNDEFINED> (&shdrs[i], this->mem);
+        break;
+    }
+    this->sections.push_back (temp);
+  }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->shnum; i++)
+    this->sections[i]->update_string_table (this);
+void section::update_string_table (file *file) throw (std::bad_alloc)
+  const section *section = file->get_section (file->get_shstrndx ());
+  this->name_string = std::string (static_cast <const char *> (section->_mem ()) + this->name);
+template <typename _class, typename _data>
+section_data<_class, _data>::section_data (void *header, void *mem) throw ()
+  typedef typename _elfdef<_class>::Shdr Shdr;
+  Shdr *shdr = static_cast <Shdr *> (header);
+  this->name   = convert<_data, typeof (shdr->sh_name  )> () (shdr->sh_name  );
+  this->type   = convert<_data, typeof (shdr->sh_type  )> () (shdr->sh_type  );
+  this->offset = convert<_data, typeof (shdr->sh_offset)> () (shdr->sh_offset);
+  this->size   = convert<_data, typeof (shdr->sh_size  )> () (shdr->sh_size  );
+  this->link   = convert<_data, typeof (shdr->sh_link  )> () (shdr->sh_link  );
+  this->mem = static_cast <void *> (static_cast <char *> (mem) + this->offset);
+section_type<section_type_SYMTAB>::~section_type () throw ()
+  for (std::vector<symbol *>::iterator it = symbols.begin (); it != symbols.end (); ++it)
+    delete *it;
+void section_type<section_type_SYMTAB>::update_string_table (file *file) throw (std::bad_alloc)
+  section::update_string_table (file);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < symbols.size (); i++)
+    this->symbols[i]->update_string_table (file, link);
+template <typename _class, typename _data>
+section_real<_class, _data, section_type_SYMTAB>::section_real (void *header, void *mem) throw (std::bad_alloc)
+: section_data<_class, _data> (header, mem)
+  if (this->type != SHT_SYMTAB)
+    throw std::logic_error ("Wrong section type");
+  typedef typename _elfdef<_class>::Sym Sym;
+  Sym *syms = static_cast <Sym *> (this->mem);
+  unsigned int max = this->size / sizeof (Sym);
+  this->symbols.reserve (max);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < max; i++)
+    this->symbols.push_back (new symbol_data<_class, _data> (&syms[i]));
+template <typename _class, typename _data>
+symbol_data<_class, _data>::symbol_data (void *mem) throw ()
+  typedef typename _elfdef<_class>::Sym Sym;
+  Sym *sym = static_cast <Sym *> (mem);
+  this->name  = convert<_data, typeof (sym->st_name )> () (sym->st_name);
+  this->info  = convert<_data, typeof (sym->st_info )> () (sym->st_info);
+  this->shndx = convert<_data, typeof (sym->st_shndx)> () (sym->st_shndx);
+  this->value = convert<_data, typeof (sym->st_value)> () (sym->st_value);
+  this->size  = convert<_data, typeof (sym->st_size )> () (sym->st_size);
+  this->bind = _elfdef<_class>::st_bind (this->info);
+  this->type = _elfdef<_class>::st_type (this->info);
+template <typename _class, typename _data>
+void symbol_data<_class, _data>::update_string_table (file *file, uint16_t s) throw (std::bad_alloc)
+  const section *section = file->get_section (s);
+  this->name_string = std::string (static_cast <const char *> (section->_mem ()) + this->name);

Added: people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/elf.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/elf.hpp	Tue Mar 28 10:07:31 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+ * elf.hpp
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Bastian Blank <waldi at debian.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef ELF_HPP
+#define ELF_HPP
+#include "endian.hpp"
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <stdint.h>
+namespace Elf
+  class file_class_32 { public: static const unsigned int id = 1; };
+  class file_class_64 { public: static const unsigned int id = 2; };
+  class file_data_2LSB { public: static const unsigned int id = 1; };
+  class file_data_2MSB { public: static const unsigned int id = 2; };
+  class section_type_UNDEFINED { };
+  class section_type_SYMTAB { public: static const unsigned int id = 2; };
+  class section;
+  class file
+  {
+    public:
+      virtual ~file () throw ();
+      virtual const uint8_t get_class () const throw () = 0;
+      virtual const uint8_t get_data () const throw () = 0;
+      const uint16_t get_type () const throw () { return type; }
+      const uint16_t get_machine () const throw () { return machine; }
+      const uint16_t get_shstrndx () const throw () { return shstrndx; }
+      const std::vector <section *> get_sections () const throw () { return sections; };
+      const section *get_section (unsigned int i) const throw (std::out_of_range) { return sections.at(i); };
+      const void *const _mem () const throw () { return mem; }
+      static file *open (const char *filename) throw (std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error);
+    protected:
+      file (const char *, void *, size_t len) throw (std::bad_alloc);
+      template<typename _class>
+        static file *open_class (const char *, const uint8_t *, void *, size_t) throw (std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error);
+      uint16_t type;
+      uint16_t machine;
+      uint64_t shoff;
+      uint16_t shnum;
+      uint16_t shstrndx;
+      std::vector <section *> sections;
+      const std::string filename;
+      void *mem;
+      size_t len;
+  };
+  template <typename _class, typename _data>
+    class file_data : public file
+    {
+      public:
+        file_data (const char *) throw (std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error);
+        file_data (const char *, void *, size_t len) throw (std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error);
+        const uint8_t get_class () const throw () { return _class::id; }
+        const uint8_t get_data () const throw () { return _data::id; }
+      private:
+        void construct () throw (std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error);
+    };
+  class section
+  {
+    public:
+      virtual ~section () throw () {}
+      uint32_t get_type () const throw () { return type; }
+      uint64_t get_size () const throw () { return size; }
+      const std::string &get_name_string () const throw () { return name_string; }
+      const void *const _mem () const throw () { return mem; }
+      virtual void update_string_table (file *) throw (std::bad_alloc);
+    protected:
+      uint32_t name;
+      uint32_t type;
+      uint64_t offset;
+      uint64_t size;
+      uint32_t link;
+      std::string name_string;
+      void *mem;
+  };
+  template <typename _class, typename _data>
+    class section_data : public virtual section
+    {
+      public:
+        section_data (void *, void *) throw ();
+    };
+  template <typename _type>
+    class section_type : public virtual section
+    {
+    };
+  class symbol;
+  template <>
+    class section_type<section_type_SYMTAB> : public virtual section
+    {
+      public:
+        ~section_type () throw ();
+        const std::vector<symbol *> &get_symbols () throw () { return symbols; }
+        void update_string_table (file *) throw (std::bad_alloc);
+      protected:
+        std::vector<symbol *> symbols;
+    };
+  template <typename _class, typename _data, typename _type>
+    class section_real : public section_data<_class, _data>, public section_type<_type>
+    {
+      public:
+        section_real (void *, void *) throw ();
+    };
+  template <typename _class, typename _data>
+    class section_real<_class, _data, section_type_UNDEFINED> : public section_data<_class, _data>, public section_type<section_type_UNDEFINED>
+    {
+      public:
+        section_real (void *a, void *b) throw () : section_data<_class, _data> (a, b) { }
+    };
+  template <typename _class, typename _data>
+    class section_real<_class, _data, section_type_SYMTAB> : public section_data<_class, _data>, public section_type<section_type_SYMTAB>
+    {
+      public:
+        section_real (void *, void *) throw (std::bad_alloc);
+    };
+  class symbol
+  {
+    public:
+      virtual ~symbol () throw () {}
+      uint8_t get_info () const throw () { return info; }
+      uint16_t get_shndx () const throw () { return shndx; }
+      uint64_t get_value () const throw () { return value; }
+      uint64_t get_size () const throw () { return size; }
+      uint8_t get_bind () const throw () { return bind; }
+      uint8_t get_type () const throw () { return type; }
+      const std::string &get_name_string () const throw () { return name_string; }
+      virtual void update_string_table (file *, uint16_t) throw (std::bad_alloc) = 0;
+    protected:
+      uint32_t name;
+      uint8_t info;
+      uint16_t shndx;
+      uint64_t value;
+      uint64_t size;
+      uint8_t bind;
+      uint8_t type;
+      std::string name_string;
+  };
+  template <typename _class, typename _data>
+    class symbol_data : public symbol
+    {
+      public:
+        symbol_data (void *) throw ();
+        void update_string_table (file *, uint16_t) throw (std::bad_alloc);
+      protected:
+    };
+  template <typename from, typename type>
+    struct convert
+    { };
+  template <typename type>
+    struct convert<file_data_2LSB, type> : public endian::convert<endian::little_endian, type>
+    { };
+  template <typename type>
+    struct convert<file_data_2MSB, type> : public endian::convert<endian::big_endian, type>
+    { };

Added: people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/endian.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/endian.hpp	Tue Mar 28 10:07:31 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ * endian.hpp
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Bastian Blank <waldi at debian.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef ENDIAN_HPP
+#define ENDIAN_HPP
+#include <endian.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+namespace endian
+  class little_endian
+  { };
+  class big_endian
+  { };
+  typedef little_endian host_endian;
+  typedef big_endian host_endian;
+  template <typename type>
+    struct convert_nop
+    {
+      inline type operator () (const type &in) const throw () { return in; }
+    };
+  template <typename type>
+    struct convert_simple
+    { };
+  template <>
+    struct convert_simple<uint8_t> : public convert_nop<uint8_t>
+    { };
+  template <>
+    struct convert_simple<uint16_t>
+    {
+      inline uint16_t operator () (const uint16_t &in) const throw ()
+      {
+        return (in & 0x00ffU) << 8 | 
+          (in & 0xff00U) >> 8;
+      }
+    };
+  template <>
+    struct convert_simple<uint32_t>
+    {
+      inline uint32_t operator () (const uint32_t &in) const throw ()
+      {
+        return (in & 0x000000ffU) << 24 |
+          (in & 0xff000000U) >> 24 |
+          (in & 0x0000ff00U) << 8  |
+          (in & 0x00ff0000U) >> 8;
+      }
+    };
+  template <>
+    struct convert_simple<uint64_t>
+    {
+      inline uint64_t operator () (const uint64_t &in) const throw ()
+      {
+        return (in & 0x00000000000000ffULL) << 56 |
+          (in & 0xff00000000000000ULL) >> 56 |
+          (in & 0x000000000000ff00ULL) << 40 |
+          (in & 0x00ff000000000000ULL) >> 40 |
+          (in & 0x0000000000ff0000ULL) << 24 |
+          (in & 0x0000ff0000000000ULL) >> 24 |
+          (in & 0x00000000ff000000ULL) << 8  |
+          (in & 0x000000ff00000000ULL) >> 8;
+      }
+    };
+  template <>
+    struct convert_simple<const uint8_t> : public convert_simple<uint8_t>
+    { };
+  template <>
+    struct convert_simple<const uint16_t> : public convert_simple<uint16_t>
+    { };
+  template <>
+    struct convert_simple<const uint32_t> : public convert_simple<uint32_t>
+    { };
+  template <typename from, typename to, typename type>
+    struct convert_complete
+    { };
+  template <typename type>
+    struct convert_complete<little_endian, little_endian, type> : public convert_nop<type>
+    { };
+  template <typename type>
+    struct convert_complete<little_endian, big_endian, type> : public convert_simple<type>
+    { };
+  template <typename type>
+    struct convert_complete<big_endian, big_endian, type> : public convert_nop<type>
+    { };
+  template <typename type>
+    struct convert_complete<big_endian, little_endian, type> : public convert_simple<type>
+    { };
+  template <typename from, typename type>
+    struct convert
+    { };
+  template <typename type>
+    struct convert<little_endian, type> : public convert_complete<little_endian, host_endian, type>
+    { };
+  template <typename type>
+    struct convert<big_endian, type> : public convert_complete<big_endian, host_endian, type>
+    { };

Added: people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/modpost.cpp
--- (empty file)
+++ people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/modpost.cpp	Tue Mar 28 10:07:31 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * modpost.cpp
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Bastian Blank <waldi at debian.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "elf.hpp"
+#include "module.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <getopt.h>
+using namespace linuxkernel;
+modulelist modules;
+int main (int argc, char *const argv[])
+  int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS;
+  int opt;
+  const char *dump_read = 0, *dump_write = 0;
+  bool all_versions = false, modversions = false;;
+  while ((opt = getopt (argc, argv, "ai:mo:")) != -1)
+  {
+    switch(opt) {
+      case 'a':
+        all_versions = true;
+        std::clog << "*** Warning: CONFIG_MODULE_SRCVERSION_ALL is not supported!" << std::endl;
+        return EXIT_FAILURE;
+        break;
+      case 'i':
+        dump_read = optarg;
+        break;
+      case 'm':
+        modversions = true;
+        break;
+      case 'o':
+        dump_write = optarg;
+        break;
+      default:
+        exit(1);
+    }
+  }
+  if (dump_read)
+    modules.dump_read (dump_read);
+  for (int i = optind; i < argc; i++)
+  {
+    std::string filename (argv[i]);
+    try
+    {
+      modules.insert (filename);
+    }
+    catch (std::runtime_error &e)
+    {
+      std::clog << "*** Warning: \"" << filename << "\" failed to load: " << e.what () << std::endl;
+      ret = EXIT_FAILURE;
+      continue;
+    }
+  }
+  modules.write (modversions);
+  if (dump_write)
+    modules.dump_write (dump_write);
+  return ret;

Added: people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/module.cpp
--- (empty file)
+++ people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/module.cpp	Tue Mar 28 10:07:31 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+ * module.cpp
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Bastian Blank <waldi at debian.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "module.hpp"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <set>
+#include <elf.h>
+using namespace linuxkernel;
+const std::string module_real::symbol_name_cleanup ("cleanup_module");
+const std::string module_real::symbol_name_init ("init_module");
+const std::string module_real::symbol_prefix_crc ("__crc_");
+const std::string module_real::symbol_prefix_ksymtab ("__ksymtab_");
+module::module (const std::string &name) throw ()
+: name (name)
+  std::string::size_type t1 = name.find_last_of ('/');
+  if (t1 == std::string::npos)
+    t1 = 0;
+  else
+    t1++;
+  name_short = name.substr (t1, std::string::npos);
+  if (name == "vmlinux")
+    is_vmlinux = true;
+module::module (const std::string &filename, bool) throw ()
+  std::string::size_type t1 = filename.find_last_of ('/');
+  std::string::size_type t2 = filename.find_last_of ('.');
+  if (t1 == std::string::npos)
+    t1 = 0;
+  else
+    t1++;
+  name = filename.substr (0, t2);
+  if (t2 != std::string::npos)
+    t2 -= t1;
+  name_short = filename.substr (t1, t2);
+  if (name == "vmlinux")
+    is_vmlinux = true;
+module_real::module_real (const std::string &filename, Elf::file *file) throw (std::runtime_error)
+: module (filename, false), has_init (false), has_cleanup (false), file (file)
+  const std::vector <Elf::section *> &sections = file->get_sections ();
+  Elf::section *modinfo = 0;
+  symtab = 0;
+  for (std::vector <Elf::section *>::const_iterator it = sections.begin (); it != sections.end (); ++it)
+  {
+    const std::string &name = (*it)->get_name_string ();
+    uint32_t type = (*it)->get_type ();
+    if (name == ".modinfo")
+      modinfo = *it;
+    if (type == Elf::section_type_SYMTAB::id)
+      symtab = dynamic_cast <Elf::section_type<Elf::section_type_SYMTAB> *> (*it);
+  }
+  if (!is_vmlinux && !modinfo)
+    throw std::runtime_error ("Not a kernel module, lacks modinfo section");
+  if (!symtab)
+    throw std::runtime_error ("Not a kernel module, lacks symbol table");
+  if (!is_vmlinux)
+  {
+    read_modinfo (modinfo);
+    symbols_undefined.insert (std::pair<std::string, symbol_undefined> ("struct_module", symbol_undefined ("struct_module", 0)));
+  }
+  read_symtab (symtab);
+const Elf::symbol *module_real::_get_symbol (const std::string &name) const throw ()
+  for (std::vector<Elf::symbol *>::const_iterator it = symtab->get_symbols ().begin (); it != symtab->get_symbols ().end (); ++it)
+  {
+    Elf::symbol *symbol = *it;
+    std::string symname = symbol->get_name_string ();
+    if (symname == name)
+      return symbol;
+  }
+  return 0;
+void module_real::write (const modulelist &list, bool modversions)
+  std::string filename = name + ".mod.c";
+  std::ofstream out (filename.c_str ());
+  write_header (out);
+  if (modversions)
+    write_versions (out, list);
+  write_depends (out, list);
+  write_moddevtable (out);
+module_real *module_real::open (const std::string &filename) throw (std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error)
+  Elf::file *file = Elf::file::open (filename.c_str ());
+  switch (file->get_class ())
+  {
+    case Elf::file_class_32::id:
+      return open_class<Elf::file_class_32> (filename, file);
+    case Elf::file_class_64::id:
+      return open_class<Elf::file_class_64> (filename, file);
+    default:
+      throw std::runtime_error ("Unsupported file class");
+  }
+template<typename Elf_class>
+module_real *module_real::open_class (const std::string &filename, Elf::file *file) throw (std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error)
+  switch (file->get_data ())
+  {
+    case Elf::file_data_2LSB::id:
+      return new module_data<Elf_class, Elf::file_data_2LSB> (filename, file);
+    case Elf::file_data_2MSB::id:
+      return new module_data<Elf_class, Elf::file_data_2MSB> (filename, file);
+    default:
+      throw std::runtime_error ("Unsupported data encoding");
+  }
+void module_real::read_modinfo (Elf::section *section) throw (std::runtime_error)
+  const char *act, *end, *temp1, *temp2;
+  act = static_cast <const char *> (section->_mem ());
+  end = act + section->get_size ();
+  while (act <= end)
+  {
+    temp1 = act;
+    for (; *act && *act != '=' && act <= end; act++);
+    if (act > end)
+      break;
+    temp2 = ++act;
+    for (; *act && act <= end; act++);
+    if (act > end)
+      break;
+    modinfo.insert (std::pair<std::string, std::string> (std::string (temp1, temp2 - temp1 - 1), std::string (temp2, act - temp2)));
+    for (; !*act && act <= end; act++);
+  }
+void module_real::read_symtab (Elf::section_type<Elf::section_type_SYMTAB> *section) throw (std::runtime_error)
+  for (std::vector<Elf::symbol *>::const_iterator it = section->get_symbols ().begin (); it != section->get_symbols ().end (); ++it)
+  {
+    Elf::symbol *symbol = *it;
+    std::string symname = symbol->get_name_string ();
+    switch (symbol->get_shndx ())
+    {
+      case SHN_COMMON:
+        std::clog << "*** Warning: \"" << symname << "\" [" << name << "] is COMMON symbol" << std::endl;
+        break;
+      case SHN_ABS:
+        if (symname.compare (0, symbol_prefix_crc.size (), symbol_prefix_crc) == 0)
+        {
+          std::string symname_real (symname.substr (symbol_prefix_crc.size ()));
+          std::map<std::string, symbol_exported>::iterator it = symbols_exported.find (symname_real);
+          if (it == symbols_exported.end ())
+            symbols_exported.insert (std::pair<std::string, symbol_exported> (symname_real, symbol_exported (symname_real, symbol->get_value ())));
+          else
+            it->second.set_crc (symbol->get_value ());
+        }
+        break;
+      case SHN_UNDEF:
+        if (symbol->get_bind () != STB_GLOBAL &&
+            symbol->get_bind () != STB_WEAK)
+          break;
+        //FIXME: if (symbol->get_type () == STT_REGISTER)
+        //  break;
+        /* ignore global offset table */
+        if (symname == "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_")
+          break;
+        /* ignore __this_module, it will be resolved shortly */
+        if (symname == "__this_module")
+          break;
+        symbols_undefined.insert (std::pair<std::string, symbol_undefined> (symname, symbol_undefined (symname, symbol->get_bind () == STB_WEAK)));
+        break;
+      default:
+        if (symname.compare (0, symbol_prefix_ksymtab.size (), symbol_prefix_ksymtab) == 0)
+        {
+          std::string symname_real (symname.substr (symbol_prefix_ksymtab.size ()));
+          std::map<std::string, symbol_exported>::iterator it = symbols_exported.find (symname_real);
+          if (it == symbols_exported.end ())
+            symbols_exported.insert (std::pair<std::string, symbol_exported> (symname_real, symbol_exported (symname_real)));
+        }
+        else if (symname == symbol_name_cleanup)
+          has_cleanup = true;
+        else if (symname == symbol_name_init)
+          has_init = true;
+        break;
+    };
+  }
+void module_real::write_depends (std::ostream &out, const modulelist &list)
+  std::set<std::string> depends;
+  for (std::map<std::string, symbol_undefined>::const_iterator it = symbols_undefined.begin (); it != symbols_undefined.end (); ++it)
+  {
+    try
+    {
+      const std::string &mod (list.get_module_name_short_for_symbol (it->first));
+      if (mod != "vmlinux")
+        depends.insert (mod);
+    }
+    catch (std::out_of_range &)
+    { }
+  }
+  out <<
+    "static const char __module_depends[]\n"
+    "__attribute_used__\n"
+    "__attribute__((section(\".modinfo\"))) =\n"
+    "\"depends=";
+  if (depends.begin () != depends.end ())
+  {
+    std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = depends.begin ();
+    out << *it;
+    for (++it; it != depends.end (); ++it)
+      out << ',' << *it;
+  }
+  out << "\";\n\n";
+void module_real::write_header (std::ostream &out)
+  out <<
+    "#include <linux/module.h>\n"
+    "#include <linux/vermagic.h>\n"
+    "#include <linux/compiler.h>\n"
+    "\n"
+    "MODULE_INFO(vermagic, VERMAGIC_STRING);\n"
+    "\n"
+    "#undef unix\n" /* We have a module called "unix" */
+    "struct module __this_module\n"
+    "__attribute__((section(\".gnu.linkonce.this_module\"))) = {\n"
+    " .name = __stringify(KBUILD_MODNAME),\n";
+  if (has_init)
+    out << " .init = init_module,\n";
+  if (has_cleanup)
+    out <<
+      "#ifdef CONFIG_MODULE_UNLOAD\n"
+      " .exit = cleanup_module,\n"
+      "#endif\n";
+  out << "};\n\n";
+void module_real::write_moddevtable (std::ostream &out)
+  if (devicetable_ccw)
+    devicetable_ccw->write (out);
+  if (devicetable_ieee1394)
+    devicetable_ieee1394->write (out);
+  if (devicetable_pci)
+    devicetable_pci->write (out);
+  if (devicetable_pnp)
+    devicetable_pnp->write (out);
+  if (devicetable_pnp_card)
+    devicetable_pnp_card->write (out);
+  if (devicetable_usb)
+    devicetable_usb->write (out);
+void module_real::write_versions (std::ostream &out, const modulelist &list)
+  out <<
+    "static const struct modversion_info ____versions[]\n"
+    "__attribute_used__\n"
+    "__attribute__((section(\"__versions\"))) = {\n";
+  for (std::map<std::string, symbol_undefined>::const_iterator it = symbols_undefined.begin (); it != symbols_undefined.end (); ++it)
+  {
+    try
+    {
+      const symbol_exported &sym (list.get_symbol (it->first));
+      if (sym.get_crc_valid ())
+        out << "\t{ 0x" << std::hex << sym.get_crc () << std::dec << ", \"" << it->first << "\" },\n";
+      else
+        std::clog << "*** Warning: \"" << sym.get_name () << "\" [" << name << "] has no CRC!" << std::endl;
+    }
+    catch (std::out_of_range &)
+    { 
+      if (list.report_symbols_missing)
+        std::clog << "*** Warning: \"" << it->first << "\" is undefined!" << std::endl;
+    }
+  }
+  out << "};\n\n";
+template <typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+module_data<Elf_class, Elf_data>::module_data (const std::string &filename, Elf::file *file) throw (std::runtime_error)
+: module_real (filename, file)
+  devicetable_ccw = module_devicetable::table<module_devicetable::device_ccw, Elf_class, Elf_data>::create (this, file);
+  devicetable_ieee1394 = module_devicetable::table<module_devicetable::device_ieee1394, Elf_class, Elf_data>::create (this, file);
+  devicetable_pci = module_devicetable::table<module_devicetable::device_pci, Elf_class, Elf_data>::create (this, file);
+  devicetable_pnp = module_devicetable::table<module_devicetable::device_pnp, Elf_class, Elf_data>::create (this, file);
+  devicetable_pnp_card = module_devicetable::table<module_devicetable::device_pnp_card, Elf_class, Elf_data>::create (this, file);
+  devicetable_usb = module_devicetable::table<module_devicetable::device_usb, Elf_class, Elf_data>::create (this, file);
+modulelist::modulelist () throw ()
+: report_symbols_missing (false)
+{ }
+modulelist::~modulelist () throw ()
+  for (_modules_real::iterator it = modules_real.begin (); it != modules_real.end (); ++it)
+    delete it->second;
+  for (_modules_shadow::iterator it = modules_shadow.begin (); it != modules_shadow.end (); ++it)
+    delete it->second;
+void modulelist::dump_read (const std::string &filename) throw (std::runtime_error)
+  std::ifstream in (filename.c_str ());
+  while (in.good ())
+  {
+    char buf[512];
+    in.getline (buf, sizeof (buf));
+    std::stringstream str (buf);
+    uint32_t crc;
+    std::string symbol, module_name;
+    str >> std::hex >> crc >> std::dec >> symbol >> module_name;
+    _modules_shadow::const_iterator it = modules_shadow.find (module_name);
+    module *mod;
+    if (it == modules_shadow.end ())
+    {
+      mod = new module (module_name);
+      modules_shadow.insert (_modules_shadow_pair (module_name, mod));
+    }
+    else
+      mod = it->second;
+    mod->symbols_exported.insert (std::pair<std::string, symbol_exported> (symbol, symbol_exported (symbol, crc)));
+    symbols_exported.insert (std::pair<std::string, std::string> (symbol, module_name));
+    if (mod->get_is_vmlinux ())
+      report_symbols_missing = true;
+  }
+void modulelist::dump_write (const std::string &filename) const throw (std::runtime_error)
+  char buf[128];
+  std::ofstream out (filename.c_str (), std::ios::trunc);
+  for (_symbols::const_iterator it = symbols_exported.begin (); it != symbols_exported.end (); ++it)
+  {
+    const module *mod = get_module (it->second);
+    const symbol_exported &sym = get_symbol (it->first);
+    snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "0x%08x\t%s\t%s\n", sym.get_crc (), it->first.c_str (), mod->get_name ().c_str ());
+    out << buf;
+  }
+const module *modulelist::get_module (const std::string &name) const throw (std::out_of_range)
+  _modules_real::const_iterator it1 = modules_real.find (name);
+  if (it1 != modules_real.end ())
+    return it1->second;
+  _modules_shadow::const_iterator it2 = modules_shadow.find (name);
+  if (it2 != modules_shadow.end ())
+    return it2->second;
+  throw std::out_of_range ("Don't find module");
+const module *modulelist::get_module_for_symbol (const std::string &name) const throw (std::out_of_range)
+  _symbols::const_iterator it = symbols_exported.find (name);
+  if (it == symbols_exported.end ())
+    throw std::out_of_range ("symbol is undefined");
+  return get_module (it->second);
+const std::string &modulelist::get_module_name_short_for_symbol (const std::string &name) const throw (std::out_of_range)
+  const module *mod = get_module_for_symbol (name);
+  return mod->get_name_short ();
+const symbol_exported &modulelist::get_symbol (const std::string &name) const throw (std::out_of_range)
+  const module *mod = get_module_for_symbol (name);
+  std::map<std::string, symbol_exported>::const_iterator it = mod->get_symbols_exported ().find (name);
+  if (it == mod->get_symbols_exported ().end ())
+    throw std::logic_error ("Don't find symbol");
+  return it->second;
+void modulelist::insert (module_real *mod) throw (std::runtime_error)
+  bool overwrite = false;
+  if (mod->get_is_vmlinux ())
+  {
+    if (!modules_shadow.insert (_modules_shadow_pair (mod->get_name (), mod)).second)
+      overwrite = true;
+    report_symbols_missing = true;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if (!modules_real.insert (_modules_real_pair (mod->get_name (), mod)).second)
+      throw std::runtime_error ("Already know a module with this name");
+  }
+  for (std::map<std::string, symbol_exported>::const_iterator it = mod->get_symbols_exported ().begin ();
+       it != mod->get_symbols_exported ().end (); ++it)
+    if (!symbols_exported.insert (std::pair<std::string, std::string> (it->second.get_name (), mod->get_name ())).second)
+      if (!overwrite)
+        std::clog << "*** Warning: \"" << it->second.get_name () << "\" [" << mod->get_name () << "] duplicated symbol!" << std::endl;
+void modulelist::insert (const std::string &filename) throw (std::runtime_error)
+  module_real *mod = module_real::open (filename);
+  try
+  {
+    insert (mod);
+  }
+  catch (...)
+  {
+    delete mod;
+    throw;
+  }
+void modulelist::write (bool modversions)
+  for (_modules_real::iterator it = modules_real.begin (); it != modules_real.end (); ++it)
+    it->second->write (*this, modversions);
+symbol::symbol (const std::string &name) throw ()
+: name (name)
+{ }
+symbol_exported::symbol_exported (const std::string &name) throw ()
+: symbol (name), crc_valid (false)
+{ }
+symbol_exported::symbol_exported (const std::string &name, uint32_t crc) throw ()
+: symbol (name), crc (crc), crc_valid (true)
+{ }
+void symbol_exported::set_crc (uint32_t _crc) throw ()
+  crc = _crc;
+  crc_valid = true;
+symbol_undefined::symbol_undefined (const std::string &name, bool weak) throw ()
+: symbol (name), weak (weak)
+{ }

Added: people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/module.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/module.hpp	Tue Mar 28 10:07:31 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+ * module.hpp
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Bastian Blank <waldi at debian.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef MODULE_HPP
+#define MODULE_HPP
+#include "elf.hpp"
+#include "module_devicetable.hpp"
+#include <map>
+#include <ostream>
+namespace linuxkernel
+  class modulelist;
+  class symbol_exported;
+  class symbol_undefined;
+  class module
+  {
+    public:
+      module (const std::string &name) throw ();
+      bool get_is_vmlinux () const throw () { return is_vmlinux; }
+      const std::string &get_name () const throw () { return name; }
+      const std::string &get_name_short () const throw () { return name_short; }
+      const std::map<std::string, symbol_exported> &get_symbols_exported () const throw () { return symbols_exported; }
+    protected:
+      module (const std::string &filename, bool) throw ();
+      std::string name, name_short;
+      bool is_vmlinux;
+      std::map<std::string, symbol_exported> symbols_exported;
+      friend class modulelist;
+  };
+  class module_real : public module
+  {
+    public:
+      module_real (const std::string &filename, Elf::file *file) throw (std::runtime_error);
+      const Elf::symbol *_get_symbol (const std::string &name) const throw ();
+      void write (const modulelist &, bool modversions);
+      static module_real *open (const std::string &filename) throw (std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error);
+      const static std::string symbol_name_cleanup;
+      const static std::string symbol_name_init;
+      const static std::string symbol_prefix_crc;
+      const static std::string symbol_prefix_ksymtab;
+    protected:
+      template<typename Elf_class>
+        static module_real *open_class (const std::string &filename, Elf::file *) throw (std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error);
+      void read_modinfo (Elf::section *) throw (std::runtime_error);
+      void read_symtab (Elf::section_type<Elf::section_type_SYMTAB> *) throw (std::runtime_error);
+      void write_depends (std::ostream &, const modulelist &);
+      void write_header (std::ostream &);
+      void write_moddevtable (std::ostream &);
+      void write_versions (std::ostream &, const modulelist &);
+      std::map<std::string, std::string> modinfo;
+      std::map<std::string, symbol_undefined> symbols_undefined;
+      bool has_init;
+      bool has_cleanup;
+      Elf::section_type<Elf::section_type_SYMTAB> *symtab;
+      module_devicetable::table_base<module_devicetable::device_ccw> *devicetable_ccw;
+      module_devicetable::table_base<module_devicetable::device_ieee1394> *devicetable_ieee1394;
+      module_devicetable::table_base<module_devicetable::device_pci> *devicetable_pci;
+      module_devicetable::table_base<module_devicetable::device_pnp> *devicetable_pnp;
+      module_devicetable::table_base<module_devicetable::device_pnp_card> *devicetable_pnp_card;
+      module_devicetable::table_base<module_devicetable::device_usb> *devicetable_usb;
+      Elf::file *file;
+  };
+  template <typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+    class module_data : public module_real
+    {
+      public:
+        module_data (const std::string &filename, Elf::file *file) throw (std::runtime_error);
+    };
+  class modulelist
+  {
+    public:
+      typedef std::map<std::string, module_real *> _modules_real;
+      typedef std::pair<std::string, module_real *> _modules_real_pair;
+      typedef std::map<std::string, module *> _modules_shadow;
+      typedef std::pair<std::string, module *> _modules_shadow_pair;
+      typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> _symbols;
+      modulelist () throw ();
+      ~modulelist () throw ();
+      void dump_read (const std::string &filename) throw (std::runtime_error);
+      void dump_write (const std::string &filename) const throw (std::runtime_error);
+      const _modules_real &get_modules_real () const throw () { return modules_real; }
+      const _modules_shadow &get_modules_shadow () const throw () { return modules_shadow; }
+      const module *get_module (const std::string &name) const throw (std::out_of_range);
+      const module *get_module_for_symbol (const std::string &name) const throw (std::out_of_range);
+      const std::string &get_module_name_short_for_symbol (const std::string &name) const throw (std::out_of_range);
+      const symbol_exported &get_symbol (const std::string &name) const throw (std::out_of_range);
+      const _symbols &get_symbols_exported () const throw () { return symbols_exported; }
+      void insert (module_real *) throw (std::runtime_error);
+      void insert (const std::string &filename) throw (std::runtime_error);
+      void write (bool modversions);
+      bool report_symbols_missing;
+    protected:
+      _modules_real modules_real;
+      _modules_shadow modules_shadow;
+      _symbols symbols_exported;
+  };
+  class symbol
+  {
+    public:
+      symbol () throw () {}
+      symbol (const std::string &name) throw ();
+      const std::string &get_name () const throw () { return name; }
+    protected:
+      std::string name;
+  };
+  class symbol_exported : public symbol
+  {
+    public:
+      symbol_exported () throw () {}
+      symbol_exported (const std::string &name) throw ();
+      symbol_exported (const std::string &name, uint32_t) throw ();
+      uint32_t get_crc () const throw () { return crc; }
+      bool get_crc_valid () const throw () { return crc_valid; }
+      void set_crc (uint32_t) throw ();
+    protected:
+      uint32_t crc;
+      bool crc_valid;
+  };
+  class symbol_undefined : public symbol
+  {
+    public:
+      symbol_undefined () throw () {}
+      symbol_undefined (const std::string &name, bool weak) throw ();
+    protected:
+      bool weak;
+  };
+#include "module_devicetable.tpp"

Added: people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/module_devicetable.cpp
--- (empty file)
+++ people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/module_devicetable.cpp	Tue Mar 28 10:07:31 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * module_devicetable.cpp
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Bastian Blank <waldi at debian.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "module.hpp"
+#include "module_devicetable.hpp"
+namespace linuxkernel
+  namespace module_devicetable
+  {
+    namespace internal
+    {
+      const std::string def<device_ccw>::symbol = "__mod_ccw_device_table";
+      const std::string def<device_ieee1394>::symbol = "__mod_ieee1394_device_table";
+      const std::string def<device_pci>::symbol = "__mod_pci_device_table";
+      const std::string def<device_pnp>::symbol = "__mod_pnp_device_table";
+      const std::string def<device_pnp_card>::symbol = "__mod_pnp_card_device_table";
+      const std::string def<device_usb>::symbol = "__mod_usb_device_table";
+    }
+  }

Added: people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/module_devicetable.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/module_devicetable.hpp	Tue Mar 28 10:07:31 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ * module_devicetable.hpp
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Bastian Blank <waldi at debian.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "elf.hpp"
+#include <ostream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <vector>
+namespace linuxkernel
+  class module_real;
+  namespace module_devicetable
+  {
+    class device_ccw { };
+    class device_ieee1394 { };
+    class device_pci { };
+    class device_pnp { };
+    class device_pnp_card { };
+    class device_usb { };
+    class version_2_6_10 { };
+    namespace internal
+    {
+      template<typename device>
+        struct def {};
+      template<>
+        struct def<device_ccw>
+        {
+          static const std::string symbol;
+        };
+      template<>
+        struct def<device_ieee1394>
+        {
+          static const std::string symbol;
+        };
+      template<>
+        struct def<device_pci>
+        {
+          static const std::string symbol;
+        };
+      template<>
+        struct def<device_pnp>
+        {
+          static const std::string symbol;
+        };
+      template<>
+        struct def<device_pnp_card>
+        {
+          static const std::string symbol;
+        };
+      template<>
+        struct def<device_usb>
+        {
+          static const std::string symbol;
+        };
+    }
+    class table_entry
+    {
+      public:
+        virtual ~table_entry () {};
+        virtual void write (std::ostream &) const throw (std::runtime_error) = 0;
+    };
+    template<typename device, typename version>
+      class table_entry_version : public table_entry
+      {
+      };
+    template<typename device, typename version, typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+      class table_entry_data : public table_entry_version<device, version>
+      {
+      };
+    template<typename device>
+      class table_base
+      {
+        public:
+          virtual ~table_base () throw () {};
+          void write (std::ostream &out) const throw (std::runtime_error);
+        protected:
+          table_base () throw () {};
+          std::vector<table_entry *> entries;
+      };
+    template<typename device, typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+      class table : public table_base<device>
+      {
+        public:
+          static table_base<device> *create (const module_real *m, const Elf::file *f) throw (std::runtime_error);
+        protected:
+          table () {};
+      };
+    template<typename device, typename version, typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+      class table_data : public table<device, Elf_class, Elf_data>
+      { 
+        public:
+          table_data (const void *, size_t) throw (std::runtime_error);
+      };
+  }
+#include "module_devicetable.tpp"

Added: people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/module_devicetable.tpp
--- (empty file)
+++ people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/module_devicetable.tpp	Tue Mar 28 10:07:31 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * module_devicetable.tpp
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Bastian Blank <waldi at debian.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "module.hpp"
+namespace linuxkernel
+  namespace module_devicetable
+  {
+    template<typename device>
+      void table_base<device>::write (std::ostream &out) const throw (std::runtime_error)
+      {
+        for (std::vector<table_entry *>::const_iterator it = entries.begin (); it != entries.end (); ++it)
+        {
+          out << "MODULE_ALIAS(\"";
+          (*it)->write (out);
+          out << "\");\n";
+        }
+      }
+    template<typename device, typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+      table_base<device> *table<device, Elf_class, Elf_data>::create (const module_real *m, const Elf::file *f) throw (std::runtime_error)
+      {
+        const Elf::symbol *sym = m->_get_symbol (internal::def<device>::symbol);
+        if (!sym)
+          return 0;
+        const Elf::section *sec = f->get_section (sym->get_shndx ());
+        const char *mem = static_cast <const char *> (sec->_mem ());
+        return new table_data<device, version_2_6_10, Elf_class, Elf_data> (mem + sym->get_value (), sym->get_size ());
+      }
+  }

Added: people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/module_devicetable_impl_2_6_10.cpp
--- (empty file)
+++ people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/module_devicetable_impl_2_6_10.cpp	Tue Mar 28 10:07:31 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+ * module_devicetable_impl_2_6_10.cpp
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Bastian Blank <waldi at debian.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "module_devicetable_impl_2_6_10.hpp"
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <stdint.h>
+using namespace linuxkernel::module_devicetable;
+std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, const identifier_value<uint8_t> &id) throw ()
+  char buf[4];
+  snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%02X", id.value);
+  out << buf;
+  return out;
+std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, const identifier_value<uint16_t> &id) throw ()
+  char buf[8];
+  snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%04X", id.value);
+  out << buf;
+  return out;
+std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, const identifier_value<uint32_t> &id) throw ()
+  char buf[12];
+  snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%08X", id.value);
+  out << buf;
+  return out;
+table_entry_version<device_ccw, version_2_6_10>::table_entry_version () throw () :
+  cu_type ("t"),
+  dev_type ("m"),
+  cu_model ("dt"),
+  dev_model ("dm")
+{ }
+void table_entry_version<device_ccw, version_2_6_10>::write (std::ostream &out) const throw (std::runtime_error)
+  out << "ccw:";
+  cu_type.write (out, match_flags & CCW_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_CU_TYPE);
+  cu_model.write (out, match_flags & CCW_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_CU_MODEL);
+  dev_type.write (out, match_flags & CCW_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_DEVICE_TYPE);
+  dev_model.write (out, match_flags & CCW_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_DEVICE_TYPE);
+table_entry_version<device_ieee1394, version_2_6_10>::table_entry_version () throw () :
+  vendor_id ("ven"),
+  model_id ("mo"),
+  specifier_id ("sp"),
+  version ("ver")
+{ }
+void table_entry_version<device_ieee1394, version_2_6_10>::write (std::ostream &out) const throw (std::runtime_error)
+  out << "ieee1394:";
+  vendor_id.write (out, match_flags & IEEE1394_MATCH_VENDOR_ID);
+  model_id.write (out, match_flags & IEEE1394_MATCH_MODEL_ID);
+  specifier_id.write (out, match_flags & IEEE1394_MATCH_SPECIFIER_ID);
+  version.write (out, match_flags & IEEE1394_MATCH_VERSION, true);
+table_entry_version<device_pci, version_2_6_10>::table_entry_version () throw () :
+  vendor ("v"),
+  device ("d"),
+  subvendor ("sv"),
+  subdevice ("sd")
+{ }
+void table_entry_version<device_pci, version_2_6_10>::write (std::ostream &out) const throw (std::runtime_error)
+  out << "pci:";
+  vendor.write (out, vendor != PCI_ANY_ID);
+  device.write (out, device != PCI_ANY_ID);
+  subvendor.write (out, subvendor != PCI_ANY_ID);
+  subdevice.write (out, subdevice != PCI_ANY_ID);
+  identifier<uint8_t> baseclass ("bc", class_id >> 16);
+  identifier_value<uint8_t> baseclass_mask (class_mask >> 16);
+  identifier<uint8_t> subclass ("sc", class_id >> 8);
+  identifier_value<uint8_t> subclass_mask (class_mask >> 8);
+  identifier<uint8_t> interface ("i", class_id);
+  identifier_value<uint8_t> interface_mask (class_mask);
+  if ((baseclass_mask != 0 && baseclass_mask != 0xFF) ||
+      (subclass_mask != 0 && subclass_mask != 0xFF) ||
+      (interface_mask != 0 && interface_mask != 0xFF))
+    throw std::runtime_error ("Can't handle masks");
+  baseclass.write (out, baseclass_mask == 0xFF);
+  subclass.write (out, subclass_mask == 0xFF);
+  interface.write (out, interface_mask == 0xFF, true);
+void table_entry_version<device_pnp, version_2_6_10>::write (std::ostream &out) const throw (std::runtime_error)
+  out << "pnp:" << str << '*';
+void table_entry_version<device_pnp_card, version_2_6_10>::write (std::ostream &out) const throw (std::runtime_error)
+  out << "pnp:" << str << '*';
+table_entry_version<device_usb, version_2_6_10>::table_entry_version () throw () :
+  idVendor ("v"),
+  idProduct ("p"),
+  bcdDevice_lo ("dl"),
+  bcdDevice_hi ("dh"),
+  bDeviceClass ("dc"),
+  bDeviceSubClass ("dsc"),
+  bDeviceProtocol ("dp"),
+  bInterfaceClass ("ic"),
+  bInterfaceSubClass ("isc"),
+  bInterfaceProtocol ("ip")
+{ }
+void table_entry_version<device_usb, version_2_6_10>::write (std::ostream &out) const throw (std::runtime_error)
+  if (!idVendor && !bDeviceClass && !bInterfaceClass)
+    return;
+  out << "usb:";
+  idVendor.write (out, match_flags & USB_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_VENDOR);
+  idProduct.write (out, match_flags & USB_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_PRODUCT);
+  bcdDevice_lo.write (out, match_flags & USB_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_DEV_LO);
+  bcdDevice_hi.write (out, match_flags & USB_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_DEV_HI);
+  bDeviceClass.write (out, match_flags & USB_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_DEV_CLASS);
+  bDeviceSubClass.write (out, match_flags & USB_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_DEV_SUBCLASS);
+  bDeviceProtocol.write (out, match_flags & USB_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_DEV_PROTOCOL);
+  bInterfaceClass.write (out, match_flags & USB_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_INT_CLASS);
+  bInterfaceSubClass.write (out, match_flags & USB_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_INT_SUBCLASS);
+  bInterfaceProtocol.write (out, match_flags & USB_DEVICE_ID_MATCH_INT_PROTOCOL, true);
+template class table_data<device_ccw, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_32, Elf::file_data_2LSB>;
+template class table_data<device_ccw, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_32, Elf::file_data_2MSB>;
+template class table_data<device_ccw, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_64, Elf::file_data_2LSB>;
+template class table_data<device_ccw, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_64, Elf::file_data_2MSB>;
+template class table_data<device_ieee1394, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_32, Elf::file_data_2LSB>;
+template class table_data<device_ieee1394, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_32, Elf::file_data_2MSB>;
+template class table_data<device_ieee1394, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_64, Elf::file_data_2LSB>;
+template class table_data<device_ieee1394, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_64, Elf::file_data_2MSB>;
+template class table_data<device_pci, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_32, Elf::file_data_2LSB>;
+template class table_data<device_pci, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_32, Elf::file_data_2MSB>;
+template class table_data<device_pci, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_64, Elf::file_data_2LSB>;
+template class table_data<device_pci, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_64, Elf::file_data_2MSB>;
+template class table_data<device_pnp, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_32, Elf::file_data_2LSB>;
+template class table_data<device_pnp, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_32, Elf::file_data_2MSB>;
+template class table_data<device_pnp, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_64, Elf::file_data_2LSB>;
+template class table_data<device_pnp, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_64, Elf::file_data_2MSB>;
+template class table_data<device_pnp_card, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_32, Elf::file_data_2LSB>;
+template class table_data<device_pnp_card, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_32, Elf::file_data_2MSB>;
+template class table_data<device_pnp_card, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_64, Elf::file_data_2LSB>;
+template class table_data<device_pnp_card, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_64, Elf::file_data_2MSB>;
+template class table_data<device_usb, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_32, Elf::file_data_2LSB>;
+template class table_data<device_usb, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_32, Elf::file_data_2MSB>;
+template class table_data<device_usb, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_64, Elf::file_data_2LSB>;
+template class table_data<device_usb, version_2_6_10, Elf::file_class_64, Elf::file_data_2MSB>;

Added: people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/module_devicetable_impl_2_6_10.hpp
--- (empty file)
+++ people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/module_devicetable_impl_2_6_10.hpp	Tue Mar 28 10:07:31 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ * module_devicetable_impl_2_6_10.hpp
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Bastian Blank <waldi at debian.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "module_devicetable.hpp"
+#include "elf.hpp"
+  using namespace linuxkernel::module_devicetable;
+  template<typename _class>
+    struct _elfdef
+    { };
+  template<>
+    struct _elfdef<Elf::file_class_32>
+    {
+      typedef uint32_t pointer;
+    };
+  template<>
+    struct _elfdef<Elf::file_class_64>
+    { 
+      typedef uint64_t pointer;
+    };
+  template<typename device, typename Elf_class>
+    struct device_id
+    { };
+  template<typename Elf_class>
+    struct device_id<device_ccw, Elf_class>
+    {
+      uint16_t match_flags;
+      uint16_t cu_type;
+      uint16_t dev_type;
+      uint8_t cu_model;
+      uint8_t dev_model;
+      typename _elfdef<Elf_class>::pointer driver_info;
+    };
+  enum
+  {
+  };
+  template<typename Elf_class>
+    struct device_id<device_ieee1394, Elf_class>
+    {
+      uint32_t match_flags;
+      uint32_t vendor_id;
+      uint32_t model_id;
+      uint32_t specifier_id;
+      uint32_t version;
+      typename _elfdef<Elf_class>::pointer driver_info;
+    };
+  enum
+  {
+    IEEE1394_MATCH_VENDOR_ID = 0x0001,
+    IEEE1394_MATCH_MODEL_ID = 0x0002,
+    IEEE1394_MATCH_SPECIFIER_ID = 0x0004,
+    IEEE1394_MATCH_VERSION = 0x0008,
+  };
+  template<typename Elf_class>
+    struct device_id<device_pci, Elf_class>
+    {
+      uint32_t vendor, device;
+      uint32_t subvendor, subdevice;
+      uint32_t class_id, class_mask;
+      typename _elfdef<Elf_class>::pointer driver_info;
+    };
+  const unsigned int PCI_ANY_ID = ~0U;
+  const int PNP_ID_LEN = 8;
+  const int PNP_MAX_DEVICES = 8;
+  template <typename Elf_class>
+    struct device_id<device_pnp, Elf_class>
+    {
+      uint8_t id[PNP_ID_LEN];
+      typename _elfdef<Elf_class>::pointer driver_info;
+    };
+  template <typename Elf_class>
+    struct device_id<device_pnp_card, Elf_class>
+    {
+      uint8_t id[PNP_ID_LEN];
+      typename _elfdef<Elf_class>::pointer driver_info;
+      struct
+      {
+        uint8_t id[PNP_ID_LEN];
+      }
+      devs[PNP_MAX_DEVICES];
+    };
+  template <typename Elf_class>
+    struct device_id<device_usb, Elf_class>
+    {
+      uint16_t match_flags;
+      uint16_t idVendor;
+      uint16_t idProduct;
+      uint16_t bcdDevice_lo;
+      uint16_t bcdDevice_hi;
+      uint8_t bDeviceClass;
+      uint8_t bDeviceSubClass;
+      uint8_t bDeviceProtocol;
+      uint8_t bInterfaceClass;
+      uint8_t bInterfaceSubClass;
+      uint8_t bInterfaceProtocol;
+      typename _elfdef<Elf_class>::pointer driver_info;
+    };
+  enum
+  {
+  };
+  template<typename type>
+    class identifier_value
+    {
+      public:
+        type value;
+        identifier_value () : value (0) { }
+        identifier_value (const type &value) : value (value) { }
+        const type &operator = (const type &_value) { value = _value; return value; }
+        bool operator ! () const { return !value; }
+        operator type () const { return value; }
+        template<typename Elf_data>
+          void set (const type _value)
+          { value = Elf::convert<Elf_data, type> () (_value); }
+    };
+  template<typename type>
+    class identifier
+    {
+      public:
+        identifier_value<type> value;
+        std::string sep;
+        identifier (const std::string &sep) : sep (sep) { }
+        identifier (const std::string &sep, const type &value) : value (value), sep (sep) { }
+        const type &operator = (const type &_value) { value = _value; return value.value; }
+        bool operator ! () const { return !value; }
+        operator type () const { return value; }
+        void write (std::ostream &out, bool enable, bool last = false) const
+        {
+          out << sep;
+          if (enable)
+          {
+            out << value;
+            if (last)
+              out << '*';
+          }
+          else
+            out << '*';
+        }
+    };
+std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, const identifier_value<uint8_t> &id) throw ();
+std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, const identifier_value<uint16_t> &id) throw ();
+std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, const identifier_value<uint32_t> &id) throw ();
+namespace linuxkernel
+  namespace module_devicetable
+  {
+    template<>
+      class table_entry_version<device_ccw, version_2_6_10> : public table_entry
+      {
+        public:
+          table_entry_version () throw ();
+          void write (std::ostream &) const throw (std::runtime_error);
+          identifier_value<uint16_t> match_flags;
+          identifier<uint16_t> cu_type;
+          identifier<uint16_t> dev_type;
+          identifier<uint8_t> cu_model;
+          identifier<uint8_t> dev_model;
+      };
+    template<typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+      class table_entry_data<device_ccw, version_2_6_10, Elf_class, Elf_data> : public table_entry_version<device_ccw, version_2_6_10>
+      {
+        public:
+          table_entry_data (const device_id<device_ccw, Elf_class> &) throw ();
+      };
+    template<>
+      class table_entry_version<device_ieee1394, version_2_6_10> : public table_entry
+      {
+        public:
+          table_entry_version () throw ();
+          void write (std::ostream &) const throw (std::runtime_error);
+          identifier_value<uint32_t> match_flags;
+          identifier<uint32_t> vendor_id;
+          identifier<uint32_t> model_id;
+          identifier<uint32_t> specifier_id;
+          identifier<uint32_t> version;
+      };
+    template<typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+      class table_entry_data<device_ieee1394, version_2_6_10, Elf_class, Elf_data> : public table_entry_version<device_ieee1394, version_2_6_10>
+      {
+        public:
+          table_entry_data (const device_id<device_ieee1394, Elf_class> &) throw ();
+      };
+    template<>
+      class table_entry_version<device_pci, version_2_6_10> : public table_entry
+      {
+        public:
+          table_entry_version () throw ();
+          void write (std::ostream &) const throw (std::runtime_error);
+          identifier<uint32_t> vendor, device;
+          identifier<uint32_t> subvendor, subdevice;
+          identifier_value<uint32_t> class_id, class_mask;
+      };
+    template<typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+      class table_entry_data<device_pci, version_2_6_10, Elf_class, Elf_data> : public table_entry_version<device_pci, version_2_6_10>
+      {
+        public:
+          table_entry_data (const device_id<device_pci, Elf_class> &) throw ();
+      };
+    template<>
+      class table_entry_version<device_pnp, version_2_6_10> : public table_entry
+      {
+        public:
+          void write (std::ostream &) const throw (std::runtime_error);
+          std::string str;
+      };
+    template<typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+      class table_entry_data<device_pnp, version_2_6_10, Elf_class, Elf_data> : public table_entry_version<device_pnp, version_2_6_10>
+      {
+        public:
+          table_entry_data (const device_id<device_pnp, Elf_class> &) throw ();
+      };
+    template<>
+      class table_entry_version<device_pnp_card, version_2_6_10> : public table_entry
+      {
+        public:
+          void write (std::ostream &) const throw (std::runtime_error);
+          std::string str;
+      };
+    template<typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+      class table_entry_data<device_pnp_card, version_2_6_10, Elf_class, Elf_data> : public table_entry_version<device_pnp_card, version_2_6_10>
+      {
+        public:
+          table_entry_data (const device_id<device_pnp_card, Elf_class> &) throw ();
+      };
+    template<>
+      class table_entry_version<device_usb, version_2_6_10> : public table_entry
+      {
+        public:
+          table_entry_version () throw ();
+          void write (std::ostream &) const throw (std::runtime_error);
+          identifier_value<uint16_t> match_flags;
+          identifier<uint16_t> idVendor;
+          identifier<uint16_t> idProduct;
+          identifier<uint16_t> bcdDevice_lo;
+          identifier<uint16_t> bcdDevice_hi;
+          identifier<uint8_t> bDeviceClass;
+          identifier<uint8_t> bDeviceSubClass;
+          identifier<uint8_t> bDeviceProtocol;
+          identifier<uint8_t> bInterfaceClass;
+          identifier<uint8_t> bInterfaceSubClass;
+          identifier<uint8_t> bInterfaceProtocol;
+      };
+    template<typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+      class table_entry_data<device_usb, version_2_6_10, Elf_class, Elf_data> : public table_entry_version<device_usb, version_2_6_10>
+      {
+        public:
+          table_entry_data (const device_id<device_usb, Elf_class> &) throw ();
+      };
+    template<typename device, typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+      class table_data<device, version_2_6_10, Elf_class, Elf_data> : public table<device_ccw, Elf_class, Elf_data>
+      {
+        protected:
+          typedef device_id<device, Elf_class> devin;
+        public:
+          table_data (const void *mem, size_t size) throw (std::runtime_error);
+      };
+  }
+#include "module_devicetable_impl_2_6_10.tpp"

Added: people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/module_devicetable_impl_2_6_10.tpp
--- (empty file)
+++ people/waldi/linux-kbuild-2.6/src/mod/module_devicetable_impl_2_6_10.tpp	Tue Mar 28 10:07:31 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * module_devicetable_impl_2_6_10.tpp
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Bastian Blank <waldi at debian.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <sstream>
+namespace linuxkernel
+  namespace module_devicetable
+  {
+#define _do_convert(name) name = Elf::convert<Elf_data, typeof (id.name)> () (id.name)
+    template<typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+      table_entry_data<device_ccw, version_2_6_10, Elf_class, Elf_data>::table_entry_data (const device_id<device_ccw, Elf_class> &id) throw ()
+      {
+        _do_convert (match_flags);
+        _do_convert (cu_type);
+        _do_convert (dev_type);
+        _do_convert (cu_model);
+        _do_convert (dev_model);
+      }
+    template<typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+      table_entry_data<device_ieee1394, version_2_6_10, Elf_class, Elf_data>::table_entry_data (const device_id<device_ieee1394, Elf_class> &id) throw ()
+      {
+        _do_convert (match_flags);
+        _do_convert (vendor_id);
+        _do_convert (model_id);
+        _do_convert (specifier_id);
+        _do_convert (version);
+      }
+    template<typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+      table_entry_data<device_pci, version_2_6_10, Elf_class, Elf_data>::table_entry_data (const device_id<device_pci, Elf_class> &id) throw ()
+      {
+        _do_convert (vendor);
+        _do_convert (device);
+        _do_convert (subvendor);
+        _do_convert (subdevice);
+        _do_convert (class_id);
+        _do_convert (class_mask);
+      }
+    template<typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+      table_entry_data<device_pnp, version_2_6_10, Elf_class, Elf_data>::table_entry_data (const device_id<device_pnp, Elf_class> &id) throw ()
+      {
+        std::stringstream s;
+        s << 'd';
+        s << static_cast <const char *> (static_cast <const void *> (id.id));
+        str = s.str ();
+      }
+    template<typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+      table_entry_data<device_pnp_card, version_2_6_10, Elf_class, Elf_data>::table_entry_data (const device_id<device_pnp_card, Elf_class> &id) throw ()
+      {
+        std::stringstream s;
+        s << 'c';
+        s << static_cast <const char *> (static_cast <const void *> (id.id));
+        for (int i = 0; i < PNP_MAX_DEVICES; i++)
+        {
+          if (! *id.devs[i].id)
+            break;
+          s << 'd';
+          s << static_cast <const char *> (static_cast <const void *> (id.devs[i].id));
+        }
+        str = s.str ();
+      }
+    template<typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+      table_entry_data<device_usb, version_2_6_10, Elf_class, Elf_data>::table_entry_data (const device_id<device_usb, Elf_class> &id) throw ()
+      {
+        _do_convert (match_flags);
+        _do_convert (idVendor);
+        _do_convert (idProduct);
+        _do_convert (bcdDevice_lo);
+        _do_convert (bcdDevice_hi);
+        _do_convert (bDeviceClass);
+        _do_convert (bDeviceSubClass);
+        _do_convert (bDeviceProtocol);
+        _do_convert (bInterfaceClass);
+        _do_convert (bInterfaceSubClass);
+        _do_convert (bInterfaceProtocol);
+      }
+    template<typename device, typename Elf_class, typename Elf_data>
+      table_data<device, version_2_6_10, Elf_class, Elf_data>::table_data (const void *mem, size_t size) throw (std::runtime_error)
+      {
+        if (size % sizeof (devin))
+          throw std::runtime_error ("Bad size");
+        size_t len = size / sizeof (devin);
+        // Remove the terminator.
+        len--;
+        const devin *e = static_cast <const devin *> (mem);
+        this->entries.reserve (len);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+          this->entries.push_back (new table_entry_data<device, version_2_6_10, Elf_class, Elf_data> (e[i]));
+      }
+  }

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