[kernel] r6537 - patch-tracking

Dann Frazier dannf at costa.debian.org
Mon May 8 21:57:01 UTC 2006

Author: dannf
Date: Mon May  8 21:57:00 2006
New Revision: 6537


note reproduction results

Modified: patch-tracking/CVE-2006-0558
--- patch-tracking/CVE-2006-0558	(original)
+++ patch-tracking/CVE-2006-0558	Mon May  8 21:57:00 2006
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
  dannf>  http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=linux-ia64&m=114530938403347&w=2
  dannf> So, I'm marking uptream as 2.6.16
- dannf> There is a reproducer; I'll try to reproduce on our sarge kernels
+ dannf> I have a reproducer from SGI.  It causes 2.6.8 to oops, but needs to
+ dannf> be ported to the 2.4 perfmon API to test 2.4.27
 Bugs: 365375
 upstream: released (2.6.16)
 linux-2.6: released (2.6.16-1)

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