[kernel] r7696 - in dists/trunk/linux-2.6/debian: . patches/bugfix patches/series

maximilian attems maks-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sun Nov 5 19:32:09 UTC 2006

Author: maks-guest
Date: Sun Nov  5 20:32:09 2006
New Revision: 7696

rerevert s390 revert,
add upstream fix2 for the copy_from_user mem padding

Modified: dists/trunk/linux-2.6/debian/changelog
--- dists/trunk/linux-2.6/debian/changelog	(original)
+++ dists/trunk/linux-2.6/debian/changelog	Sun Nov  5 20:32:09 2006
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+linux-2.6 (2.6.18-5) UNRELEASE; urgency=low
+  * [s390] readd the fix for ""S390: user readable uninitialised kernel memory
+    (CVE-2006-5174)"
+  * [s390] temorarly add patch queued for fixing 32 bit opcodes and
+    instructions.
+ -- maximilian attems <maks at sternwelten.at>  Sun,  5 Nov 2006 20:26:11 +0100
 linux-2.6 (2.6.18-4) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Norbert Tretkowski ]

Added: dists/trunk/linux-2.6/debian/patches/bugfix/s390-copy_from_user_padding_take2.patch
--- (empty file)
+++ dists/trunk/linux-2.6/debian/patches/bugfix/s390-copy_from_user_padding_take2.patch	Sun Nov  5 20:32:09 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+From chrisw at sous-sol.org Sun Nov  5 20:18:14 2006
+From: Chris Wright <chrisw at sous-sol.org>
+To: maximilian attems <maks at sternwelten.at>
+Cc: heiko.carstens at de.ibm.com, linux390 at de.ibm.com,
+	debian-kernel at lists.debian.org, stable at kernel.org
+Subject: Re: [stable] s390 debian build failure
+* maximilian attems (maks at sternwelten.at) wrote:
+> as a future datapoint the problematic patch is from
+> [S390] user readable uninitialised kernel memory.
+This should fix that up, and is queued for next -stable.
+From: Martin Schwidefsky <schwidefsky at de.ibm.com>
+[S390] user readable uninitialised kernel memory, take 2.
+The previous patch to correct the copy_from_user padding is quite
+broken. The execute instruction needs to be done via the register %r4,
+not via %r2 and 31 bit doesn't know the instructions lgr and ahji.
+Signed-off-by: Martin Schwidefsky <schwidefsky at de.ibm.com>
+Signed-off-by: Martin Schwidefsky <schwidefsky at de.ibm.com>
+ arch/s390/lib/uaccess.S   |   10 +++++-----
+ arch/s390/lib/uaccess64.S |    2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff -urpN linux- linux-
+--- linux-	2006-10-14 05:34:03.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-	2006-10-17 13:21:20.000000000 +0200
+@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ __copy_from_user_asm:
+ 	la	%r2,256(%r2)
+ 8:	aghi	%r5,-256
+ 	jnm	7b
+-	ex	%r5,0(%r2)
++	ex	%r5,0(%r4)
+ 9:	lgr	%r2,%r3
+ 	br	%r14
+         .section __ex_table,"a"
+diff -urpN linux- linux-
+--- linux-	2006-10-14 05:34:03.000000000 +0200
++++ linux-	2006-10-17 13:21:06.000000000 +0200
+@@ -41,15 +41,15 @@ __copy_from_user_asm:
+ 5:	mvcp	0(%r5,%r2),0(%r4),%r0
+ 	slr	%r3,%r5
+ 	alr	%r2,%r5
+-6:	lgr	%r5,%r3		# copy remaining size
++6:	lr	%r5,%r3		# copy remaining size
+ 	ahi	%r5,-1		# subtract 1 for xc loop
+ 	bras	%r4,8f
+-	xc	0(1,%2),0(%2)
+-7:	xc	0(256,%2),0(%2)
++	xc	0(1,%r2),0(%r2)
++7:	xc	0(256,%r2),0(%r2)
+ 	la	%r2,256(%r2)
+-8:	ahji	%r5,-256
++8:	ahi	%r5,-256
+ 	jnm	7b
+-	ex	%r5,0(%r2)
++	ex	%r5,0(%r4)
+ 9:	lr	%r2,%r3
+ 	br	%r14
+         .section __ex_table,"a"

Added: dists/trunk/linux-2.6/debian/patches/series/5
--- (empty file)
+++ dists/trunk/linux-2.6/debian/patches/series/5	Sun Nov  5 20:32:09 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+- bugfix/s390-ftbfs-
++ bugfix/s390-copy_from_user_padding_take2.patch

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