[kernel] r7567 - people/jurij

Dann Frazier dannf at costa.debian.org
Sat Sep 30 20:00:12 UTC 2006

Author: dannf
Date: Sat Sep 30 20:00:11 2006
New Revision: 7567


s/believed/believed to be/

Modified: people/jurij/firmware-position-statement.txt
--- people/jurij/firmware-position-statement.txt	(original)
+++ people/jurij/firmware-position-statement.txt	Sat Sep 30 20:00:11 2006
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
    This category currently includes the dabusb, dgrs, emi62, keyspan, smctr,
    cops, emi26, and 3c359 drivers. Removal of these drivers will have minimal
-   impact on the users, as they are believed unpopular and not likely to be
-   required during the installation.
+   impact on the users, as they are believed to be unpopular and not likely to
+   be required during the installation.
 2. Sourceless binary blobs distributed under GPL.

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