[kernel] r11303 - dists/trunk/redhat-cluster/openais/debian

Bastian Blank waldi at alioth.debian.org
Tue May 6 10:37:35 UTC 2008

Author: waldi
Date: Tue May  6 10:37:32 2008
New Revision: 11303

debian/rules: Update orig handling.


Modified: dists/trunk/redhat-cluster/openais/debian/rules
--- dists/trunk/redhat-cluster/openais/debian/rules	(original)
+++ dists/trunk/redhat-cluster/openais/debian/rules	Tue May  6 10:37:32 2008
@@ -78,15 +78,19 @@
 binary: binary-arch binary-indep
 DIR_ORIG = ../orig/$(SOURCE)-$(VERSION)
-TAR_ORIG = ../$(SOURCE)_$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz
+TAR_ORIG_NAME = $(SOURCE)_$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz
+TAR_ORIG = $(firstword $(wildcard ../$(TAR_ORIG_NAME)) $(wildcard ../orig/$(TAR_ORIG_NAME)))
 orig: $(DIR_ORIG)
-	rsync --delete --exclude debian --exclude .svn --link-dest=$(DIR_ORIG)/ -a $(DIR_ORIG)/ .
+	rsync --delete --exclude debian --exclude .svk --exclude .svn --link-dest=$(DIR_ORIG)/ -a $(DIR_ORIG)/ .
-	@[ -e $(TAR_ORIG) ] || ( echo "Can't find orig tarball" >&2; exit 1 )
+ifeq ($(TAR_ORIG),)
+	$(error Cannot find orig tarball $(TAR_ORIG_NAME))
 	mkdir -p ../orig
 	tar -C ../orig -xzf $(TAR_ORIG)
 # This is to make dpatch-edit-patch work
 unpatch: clean

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