[kernel] r15504 - in dists/sid/linux-2.6/debian: . patches/bugfix/all patches/series

Ben Hutchings benh at alioth.debian.org
Sat Apr 10 01:19:38 UTC 2010

Author: benh
Date: Sat Apr 10 01:19:17 2010
New Revision: 15504

ACPI: EC: Allow multibyte access to EC (Closes: #563313)


Modified: dists/sid/linux-2.6/debian/changelog
--- dists/sid/linux-2.6/debian/changelog	Fri Apr  9 21:38:21 2010	(r15503)
+++ dists/sid/linux-2.6/debian/changelog	Sat Apr 10 01:19:17 2010	(r15504)
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
     (Closes: #552299)
   * drm/radeon: R300 AD only has one quad pipe (Closes: #575681)
   * phylib: Fix typo in bcm63xx PHY driver table
+  * ACPI: EC: Allow multibyte access to EC; fixes temperature monitoring
+    on some Dell laptops (Closes: #563313)
   [ maximilian attems]
   * Ignore ABI breakage due to libata switch.

Added: dists/sid/linux-2.6/debian/patches/bugfix/all/ACPI-EC-Allow-multibyte-access-to-EC.patch
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ dists/sid/linux-2.6/debian/patches/bugfix/all/ACPI-EC-Allow-multibyte-access-to-EC.patch	Sat Apr 10 01:19:17 2010	(r15504)
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+From: Alexey Starikovskiy <astarikovskiy at suse.de>
+Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 13:14:13 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] ACPI: EC: Allow multibyte access to EC
+commit dadf28a10c3eb29421837a2e413ab869ebd upstream
+Signed-off-by: Alexey Starikovskiy <astarikovskiy at suse.de>
+Signed-off-by: Len Brown <len.brown at intel.com>
+[bwh: Backport to 2.6.32]
+--- a/drivers/acpi/acpica/exprep.c
++++ b/drivers/acpi/acpica/exprep.c
+@@ -468,6 +468,18 @@ acpi_status acpi_ex_prep_field_value(struct acpi_create_field_info *info)
+ 		acpi_ut_add_reference(obj_desc->field.region_obj);
++		/* allow full data read from EC address space */
++		if (obj_desc->field.region_obj->region.space_id ==
++			if (obj_desc->common_field.bit_length > 8)
++				obj_desc->common_field.access_bit_width =
++				ACPI_ROUND_UP(obj_desc->common_field.
++							bit_length, 8);
++				obj_desc->common_field.access_byte_width =
++				ACPI_DIV_8(obj_desc->common_field.
++							access_bit_width);
++		}
+ 				  "RegionField: BitOff %X, Off %X, Gran %X, Region %p\n",
+ 				  obj_desc->field.start_field_bit_offset,
+diff --git a/drivers/acpi/ec.c b/drivers/acpi/ec.c
+index 1ac28c6..7208a69 100644
+--- a/drivers/acpi/ec.c
++++ b/drivers/acpi/ec.c
+@@ -588,12 +588,12 @@ static u32 acpi_ec_gpe_handler(void *data)
+ static acpi_status
+ acpi_ec_space_handler(u32 function, acpi_physical_address address,
+-		      u32 bits, acpi_integer *value,
++		      u32 bits, acpi_integer *value64,
+ 		      void *handler_context, void *region_context)
+ {
+ 	struct acpi_ec *ec = handler_context;
+-	int result = 0, i;
+-	u8 temp = 0;
++	int result = 0, i, bytes = bits / 8;
++	u8 *value = (u8 *)value64;
+ 	if ((address > 0xFF) || !value || !handler_context)
+ 		return AE_BAD_PARAMETER;
+@@ -601,32 +601,15 @@ acpi_ec_space_handler(u32 function, acpi_physical_address address,
+ 	if (function != ACPI_READ && function != ACPI_WRITE)
+ 		return AE_BAD_PARAMETER;
+-	if (bits != 8 && acpi_strict)
+-		return AE_BAD_PARAMETER;
+-	if (EC_FLAGS_MSI)
++	if (EC_FLAGS_MSI || bits > 8)
+ 		acpi_ec_burst_enable(ec);
+-	if (function == ACPI_READ) {
+-		result = acpi_ec_read(ec, address, &temp);
+-		*value = temp;
+-	} else {
+-		temp = 0xff & (*value);
+-		result = acpi_ec_write(ec, address, temp);
+-	}
+-	for (i = 8; unlikely(bits - i > 0); i += 8) {
+-		++address;
+-		if (function == ACPI_READ) {
+-			result = acpi_ec_read(ec, address, &temp);
+-			(*value) |= ((acpi_integer)temp) << i;
+-		} else {
+-			temp = 0xff & ((*value) >> i);
+-			result = acpi_ec_write(ec, address, temp);
+-		}
+-	}
++	for (i = 0; i < bytes; ++i, ++address, ++value)
++		result = (function == ACPI_READ) ?
++			acpi_ec_read(ec, address, value) :
++			acpi_ec_write(ec, address, *value);
+-	if (EC_FLAGS_MSI)
++	if (EC_FLAGS_MSI || bits > 8)
+ 		acpi_ec_burst_disable(ec);
+ 	switch (result) {

Modified: dists/sid/linux-2.6/debian/patches/series/12
--- dists/sid/linux-2.6/debian/patches/series/12	Fri Apr  9 21:38:21 2010	(r15503)
+++ dists/sid/linux-2.6/debian/patches/series/12	Sat Apr 10 01:19:17 2010	(r15504)
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
 + bugfix/all/drm-radeon-R300-AD-only-has-one-quad-pipe.patch
 + features/all/drivers-block-drbd-add.patch
 + bugfix/all/phylib-fix-typo-in-bcm6xx-PHY-driver-table.patch
++ bugfix/all/ACPI-EC-Allow-multibyte-access-to-EC.patch

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