[kernel-team] 01/02: Remove unused kconfig.ml script

debian-kernel at lists.debian.org debian-kernel at lists.debian.org
Wed Aug 12 18:31:14 UTC 2015

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benh pushed a commit to branch master
in repository kernel-team.

commit 639b08a9f5c5246963537ff40ab8a857a820ac15
Author: Ben Hutchings <ben at decadent.org.uk>
Date:   Wed Aug 12 19:33:46 2015 +0200

    Remove unused kconfig.ml script
 scripts/kconfig.ml | 371 -----------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 371 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/kconfig.ml b/scripts/kconfig.ml
deleted file mode 100755
index 4db11da..0000000
--- a/scripts/kconfig.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/ocamlrun /usr/bin/ocaml
- * kconfig.ml Copyright (C) 2006 Sven Luther <sl at powerlinux.fr>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as
- * published by * the Free Software Foundation.
- * 
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *)
- * Syntax :
- *  kconfig.ml <action> [-bs sourcedir] <file> [<file>]
- *    <action> : single | check | create | diff
- *    <file> : -c <filename> | [-b basedir | -ba basedir]  -a arch [-s subarch] -f flavour
- *)
-let usage_string =
-  "Usage:\n\n" ^
-  "  Check single config file : ./kconfig.ml single -c <filename>\n" ^
-  "  Create config file       : ./kconfig.ml create [ -ba <dir> | -b <dir> ] -a <arch> [ -s <subarch> ] -f <flavour>\n" ^
-  "  Check all config files   : ./kconfig.ml check [ -ba <dir> | -b <dir> ] [ -bs <dir> ]\n" ^
-  "  Diff two config files    : ./kconfig.ml diff [ -ba <dir> | -b <dir> ] config config\n" ^
-  "           where config is : (-c <filename> | -a <arch> [ -s <subarch> ] -f <flavour>)\n" ^
-  "\nOptions:\n"
-(* Command line argument parsing *)
-exception Bad_action of string
-exception Double_action of string
-exception Bad_args of string
-type action = Single | Check | Create | Diff | NoAction | Help
-let action = ref NoAction
-let set_action a =
-  if !action != NoAction then raise (Double_action a) else
-  match a with 
-  | "check" ->  action := Check
-  | "create" ->  action := Create
-  | "diff" ->  action := Diff
-  | "single" ->  action := Single
-  | _ -> raise (Bad_action a)
-let string_of_action = function
-  | Single -> "single"
-  | Check -> "check"
-  | Create -> "create"
-  | Diff ->  "diff"
-  | NoAction ->  "NoAction"
-  | Help ->  "Help"
-let basedir = ref "debian/arch"
-let sourcedir = ref "."
-let set_basedir archindir dir =
-  basedir := if archindir then Filename.dirname dir else dir
-type kind = TConfig | TArch | TSubarch | TFlavour
-type temp = (kind * string) list
-let temp : temp ref = ref []
-let set_temp k s = temp := (k,s) :: !temp 
-let rec print_temp = function
-  | [] -> ()
-  | (TConfig,s)::t -> Printf.printf "<Config %s>\n" s; print_temp t
-  | (TArch,s)::t -> Printf.printf "<Arch %s>\n" s; print_temp t
-  | (TSubarch,s)::t -> Printf.printf "<Subarch %s>\n" s; print_temp t
-  | (TFlavour,s)::t -> Printf.printf "<Flavour %s>\n" s; print_temp t
-let string_of_temp_error a s l =
-  let rec pte e = function
-  | [] -> e
-  | (TConfig,s)::t -> pte (e ^ (Printf.sprintf "-c %s " s)) t
-  | (TArch,s)::t -> pte (e ^ (Printf.sprintf "-a %s " s)) t
-  | (TSubarch,s)::t -> pte (e ^ (Printf.sprintf "-s %s " s)) t
-  | (TFlavour,s)::t -> pte (e ^ (Printf.sprintf "-f %s " s)) t
-  in
-  (match a with Some a -> Printf.sprintf"-a %s " a | None -> "") ^
-  (match s with Some s -> Printf.sprintf "-s %s " s | None -> "") ^
-  (pte "" l)
-type config = Config of string | Flavour of string * string | Subarch of string * string * string
-let config_of_temp t = 
-  let rec config_of_temp ta ts l = match ta, ts, l with
-  | None, None, (TArch,a)::t -> config_of_temp (Some a) None t
-  | Some a, None, (TSubarch,s)::t -> config_of_temp (Some a) (Some s) t
-  | Some a, Some s, (TFlavour,f)::t -> (Subarch (a,s,f))::(config_of_temp None None t)
-  | Some a, None, (TFlavour,f)::t -> (Flavour (a,f))::(config_of_temp None None t)
-  | None, None, (TConfig,f)::t -> (Config f)::(config_of_temp None None t)
-  | None, None, [] -> []
-  | _, _, _ -> raise (Bad_args (string_of_temp_error ta ts l))
-  in config_of_temp None None t 
-let rec print_configs = function
-  | [] -> ()
-  | (Config f) :: t -> Printf.printf "Config file: %s\n" f; print_configs t
-  | (Flavour (a,f)) :: t -> Printf.printf "Arch: %s, Flavour: %s\n" a f; print_configs t
-  | (Subarch (a,s,f)) :: t -> Printf.printf "Arch: %s, Subarch: %s, Flavour: %s\n" a s f; print_configs t
-let verbose = ref false
-let spec = [
-  "-b", Arg.String (set_basedir false), "specify basedir of the arch configurations [default: debian/arch]";
-  "-ba", Arg.String (set_basedir true), "specify basedir of the arch configurations (after stripping arch dir) [default: debian/arch]";
-  "-bs", Arg.Set_string sourcedir, "base source dir containing the patched debian linux source tree [default: .]";
-  "-a", Arg.String (set_temp TArch), "specify config arch";
-  "-s", Arg.String (set_temp TSubarch), "specify config subarch";
-  "-f", Arg.String (set_temp TFlavour), "specify config flavour";
-  "-c", Arg.String (set_temp TConfig), "specify config file name";
-  "-v", Arg.Set verbose, "verbose output";
-  "-h", Arg.Unit (function () -> action := Help), "Display this list of options";
-let usage () = Arg.usage spec usage_string
-(* Config file parsing *)
-type options =
-  | Config_Yes of string
-  | Config_No of string
-  | Config_Module of string
-  | Config_Value of string * string
-  | Config_Comment of string
-  | Config_Empty
-let print_option = function
-  | Config_Yes s -> Printf.printf "CONFIG_%s=y\n" s
-  | Config_No s -> Printf.printf "# CONFIG_%s is not set\n" s
-  | Config_Module s -> Printf.printf "CONFIG_%s=m\n" s
-  | Config_Value (s,v) -> Printf.printf "CONFIG_%s=%s\n" s v
-  | Config_Comment s -> Printf.printf "#%s\n" s
-  | Config_Empty -> Printf.printf "\n"
-exception Comment
-exception Error
-let parse_config_line fd =
-  let line = input_line fd in
-  let len = String.length line in
-  if len = 0 then Config_Empty else
-  try
-    if len <= 9 then raise Comment else 
-    match line.[0], line.[1], line.[2], line.[3], line.[4], line.[5], line.[6], line.[7], line.[8] with 
-    | '#', ' ', 'C', 'O', 'N', 'F', 'I', 'G', '_' ->
-      begin
-        try
-          let space = String.index_from line 8 ' ' in
-	  if String.sub line (space + 1) 10 = "is not set" then 
-	    let o = String.sub line 9 (space - 9) in
-	    Config_No o
-	  else raise Comment
-        with Not_found | Invalid_argument "String.sub" -> raise Comment
-      end
-    | '#', _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ -> raise Comment
-    | 'C', 'O', 'N', 'F', 'I', 'G', _, _, _ ->
-      begin
-        try
-          let equal = String.index_from line 6 '=' in
-	  let o = String.sub line 7 (equal - 7) in
-	  let v = String.sub line (equal + 1) (len - equal - 1) in
-	  match v with
-	  | "y" -> Config_Yes o
-	  | "m" -> Config_Module o
-	  | _ -> Config_Value (o,v)
-        with Not_found | Invalid_argument "String.sub" -> raise Comment
-      end
-    | _ -> raise Comment
-  with Comment -> Config_Comment (String.sub line 1 (len - 1))
-module C = Map.Make (String)
-(* Map.add behavior ensures the latest entry is the one staying *)
-let rec parse_config fd m =
-  try 
-    let line = parse_config_line fd in
-    match line with
-    | Config_Comment _ | Config_Empty -> parse_config fd m
-    | Config_Yes s | Config_No s | Config_Module s | Config_Value (s,_) ->
-      parse_config fd (C.add s line m)
-  with End_of_file -> m
-let print_config m = C.iter (function _ -> print_option) m
-let parse_config_file name m force =
-  try 
-    let config = open_in name in
-    let m = parse_config config m in
-    close_in config;
-    m
-  with Sys_error s ->
-    if force then raise (Sys_error s) else m
-(* Diffing two config files *)
-module Diff = Map.Make (String)
-type diff = Add of options | Del of options | Change of options * options
-let diff_configs a b =
-  let diff1 n v (b,d) = try
-    let v' = C.find n b in
-    let b = C.remove n b in
-    if v = v' then b, d else b, Diff.add n (Change (v,v')) d
-  with Not_found -> b, Diff.add n (Add v) d
-  in
-  let diff2 n v d = Diff.add n (Del v) d in
-  let b,d = C.fold diff1 a (b, Diff.empty) in
-  C.fold diff2 b d
-let print_diff d = 
-  let print_diff n = function
-    | Add v -> Printf.printf "+ "; print_option v
-    | Del v -> Printf.printf "- "; print_option v
-    | Change (v,v') -> Printf.printf "+ "; print_option v; Printf.printf "- "; print_option v'
-  in
-  Diff.iter print_diff d
-(* Defines parsing *)
-type define =
-  | Defines_Base of string
-  | Defines_Field of string * string
-  | Defines_List of string
-  | Defines_Comment of string
-  | Defines_Error of string
-  | Defines_Empty
-let print_define = function
-  | Defines_Base s -> Printf.printf "[%s]\n" s
-  | Defines_Field (n, v) -> Printf.printf "%s:%s\n" n v
-  | Defines_List s -> Printf.printf " %s\n" s
-  | Defines_Comment s -> Printf.printf "#%s\n" s
-  | Defines_Error s -> Printf.printf "*** ERROR *** %s\n" s
-  | Defines_Empty -> Printf.printf "\n"
-let parse_define_line fd =
-  let line = input_line fd in
-  let len = String.length line in
-  if len = 0 then begin Defines_Empty end else
-  try
-    match line.[0] with
-    | '#' -> Defines_Comment (String.sub line 1 (len - 1))
-    | '[' -> begin
-        try 
-          let c = String.index_from line 1 ']' in
-	  Defines_Base (String.sub line 1 (c - 1))
-        with Not_found | Invalid_argument "String.sub" -> raise Error
-      end
-    | ' ' -> Defines_List (String.sub line 1 (len - 1))
-    | _ ->  begin
-        try 
-          let c = String.index_from line 1 ':' in
-	  Defines_Field (String.sub line 0 c, String.sub line (c + 1) (len - c - 1))
-        with Not_found | Invalid_argument "String.sub" -> raise Error
-      end
-  with Error -> Defines_Error line
-let rec parse_defines fd m l =
-  try 
-    let line = parse_define_line fd in
-    match line with
-    | Defines_Comment _ | Defines_Empty -> parse_defines fd (line::m) (l+1)
-    | Defines_Error error ->
-      Printf.eprintf "*** Error at line %d : %s\n" l error;
-      parse_defines fd m (l+1)
-    | Defines_Base _ | Defines_Field _ | Defines_List _ -> parse_defines fd (line::m) (l+1)
-  with End_of_file -> List.rev m
-let parse_defines_file name m force =
-  try 
-    let defines = open_in name in
-    let m = parse_defines defines m 0 in
-    close_in defines;
-    m
-  with Sys_error s ->
-    if force then raise (Sys_error s) else m
-let print_defines m = List.iter print_define m
-(* Main functionality *)
-let create_config = function 
-  | Config c ->
-    begin if !verbose then Printf.eprintf "Reading config file %s" c end;
-    let config = open_in c in
-    let m = parse_config config C.empty in
-    let () = close_in config in
-    m
-  | Subarch (a,s,f) -> 
-    if !verbose then 
-      Printf.eprintf "Creating config file for arch %s, subarch %s, flavour %s (basedir is %s)\n" a s f !basedir;
-    let m = parse_config_file (!basedir ^ "/config") C.empty false in
-    let archdir = !basedir ^ "/" ^ a in
-    let m = parse_config_file (archdir ^ "/config") m false in
-    let archdir = archdir ^ "/" ^ s in
-    let m = parse_config_file (archdir ^ "/config") m false in
-    parse_config_file (archdir ^ "/config." ^ f) m true
-  | Flavour (a,f) ->
-    if !verbose then 
-      Printf.eprintf "Creating config file for arch %s, flavour %s (basedir is %s)\n" a f !basedir;
-    let m = parse_config_file (!basedir ^ "/config") C.empty false in
-    let archdir = !basedir ^ "/" ^ a in
-    let m = parse_config_file (archdir ^ "/config") m false in
-    parse_config_file (archdir ^ "/config." ^ f) m true
-let do_single configs =
-  match configs with 
-  | [] -> raise (Sys_error "Too few arguments for action single")
-  | (Config c)::[] ->
-    let m = create_config (Config c) in
-    print_config m
-  | _::[] -> raise (Sys_error "Only config file supported for action single")
-  | _ -> raise (Sys_error "Too many arguments for action single")
-let do_create configs = 
-  match configs with 
-  | [] -> raise (Sys_error "Too few arguments for action create")
-  | (Config c)::[] -> raise (Sys_error "config file not supported for action create")
-  | (Subarch (a,s,f))::[] ->
-    let m = create_config (Subarch (a,s,f)) in 
-    print_config m
-  | (Flavour (a,f))::[] ->
-    let m = create_config (Flavour (a,f)) in 
-    print_config m
-  | _ -> raise (Sys_error "Too many arguments for action create")
-let do_check configs = 
-  match configs with 
-  | [] -> 
-    begin if !verbose then Printf.eprintf "Checking config files in %s\n" !basedir end;
-    let m = parse_defines_file (!basedir ^ "/defines") [] true in
-    print_defines m
-  | _ -> raise (Sys_error "Too many arguments for action check")
-let do_diff configs =
-  match configs with 
-  | [] | _::[] -> raise (Sys_error "Too few arguments for action diff")
-  | a::b::[] -> 
-    let ma = create_config a in
-    let mb = create_config b in
-    let d = diff_configs ma mb in
-    print_diff d
-  | _ -> raise (Sys_error "Too many arguments for action check")
-let print_error s = Printf.eprintf "Error:\n\n  %s\n\n" s; usage ()
-let () = try 
-    let () = Arg.parse spec set_action usage_string in
-    let configs : config list = config_of_temp (List.rev !temp) in
-    match !action with
-    | Single -> do_single configs
-    | Create -> do_create configs
-    | Check -> do_check configs
-    | Diff -> do_diff configs
-    | NoAction -> print_error "no action provided"
-    | Help -> usage ()
-  with
-    | Sys_error s -> print_error s
-    | Bad_args s -> print_error (Printf.sprintf "while parsing args at \"%s\"" s)
-    | Bad_action s -> print_error (Printf.sprintf "unrecognized action \"%s\"" s)
-    | Double_action s ->print_error (Printf.sprintf "only one action allowed \"%s\"" s)
- * TODO items
- *
- *   full parsing of defines.
- *   parsing of kernel kbuild tree.
- *   parsing of kernel/module Makefiles.
- *   generation of module description files.
- *
- *   organisation of kernels in a per-version, per-arch/subarch/flavour way in the archive.
- *   (outside of the normal udeb/deb stable/testing/unstable/experimental archive).
- *   Linking into the normal distributions, out of this alternate archive.
- *   Implications for the archive tools : new upload queues.
- *)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/kernel/kernel-team.git

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