[kgb-maintainers] Bug#748397: Bug#748397: marked as done (merging branches floods channels)

Damyan Ivanov dmn at debian.org
Sat May 17 19:42:04 UTC 2014

> Suppose I am developing on branch A, pushing as I go, with kgb
> mentioning each change on IRC. After a long time, I reach a point where
> I merge A into branch B. When I push B, kgb will flood IRC with all the
> commits, which it has already mentioned before when they were made on A.

That should have been fixed in 1.26, whose changelog reads:

 * rework Git branch walking
   avoids multiple notification about merged commits (Closes: #698133)

Joey, you said stable, which means 1.15. So upgrading seems like the 
way to go.

> > Any chance of a backport of the client?
> Not totally easy; kgb-bot has a versioned build dependency on
> libtest-compile-perl (>= 0.19) because the tests use
> Test::Compile::Internal (which was introduced in 0.19).
> So we'd either have to backport libtest-compile-perl as well (haven't
> looked at it now), or revert the change from Test::Compile to
> Test::Compile::Internal or skip the tests.

Both are doable. I think it is better to change the module and not 
skip tests.

> Joey, any chance you could just install 1.31-1 from testing? The
> runtime dependencies shouldn't be a problem. (Or run the version
> from git.)

If that works out, even better, as we wouldn't need to do anything :)

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