[L10n-fr-coord-commit] Debian WWW CVS commit by pmachard: webwml/french/security/2003 dsa-232.wml dsa-23 ...

Denis Barbier barbier@linuxfr.org
Tue, 12 Aug 2003 11:05:24 +0200 (CEST)

CVSROOT:	/cvs/webwml
Module name:	webwml
Changes by:	pmachard	03/08/12 03:05:10

Modified files:
	french/security/2003: dsa-232.wml dsa-234.wml dsa-235.wml 
	                      dsa-236.wml dsa-237.wml dsa-238.wml 
	                      dsa-239.wml dsa-240.wml dsa-241.wml 
	                      dsa-242.wml dsa-243.wml dsa-265.wml 
	                      dsa-266.wml dsa-361.wml 

Log message:
	Massive sync with En due to titles renaming from several to several vulnerabilities